Chapter 244

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Not long after midnight, a wave of terror from the forest surrounding the camp forced the God of Love to wake up. His entire body was in unexpected agony. Even the usual welcomed tingling sensation from the children cuddled into him was being overpowered. Dizziness threatened to steal his consciousness again, but the pain managed to somehow counter it. Closing his eyes and taking a series of deep breaths, the youth assessed the source of his discomfort. To his disbelief, dozens of unfamiliar mortals had gathered around their camp. Many radiated traces of divine energy which were connected to the God of Purification.

<Ha— So troublesome... Papa! Hyung! Can one of you deal with Sulien-hyung's followers.>

-Of course.

When the fear level didn't go down, the frustrated deity queried telepathically.

<What the f*** is going on out there?>

-Don't worry, Dongsaeng. Father is talking with the Pope. Apparently the sight of Choi Han's aura frightened her people since they hadn't expected a swordmaster to be present.

Unable to hide his dissatisfaction with the current situation, the 19 years old mentally retorted.

<They're the ones who f***ing chose to show up this late unannounced...>

Movement came from the four years old. Soon a drowsy set of emeralds were peering up at the suffering noble. Concern and unease flowed out of his tiny form.


Brushing some bangs out of the worried child's eyes, the youth reassured him.

"Don't worry, Kasul. I'll be okay."

There was visible doubt on the boy's face as he peeked towards the entrance of their tent.


"He knows and is taking care of things. So just go back to sleep, Okay?"

Groggily nodding in understanding, his youngest officially adopted son nuzzled into his warm chest and drifted back to the realm of dreams. Half an hour passed before the pain lessened enough for the deity to finally be able to fall asleep himself.

It was early afternoon when he at last roused from his slumber. As soon as the God of Love left his makeshift shelter, all attention focused on him. Although the reasons for each person were different. Quickly, the young flock rushed to greet him with messy mouths and hands. They had been eating lunch since no one was certain when he would wake up. Patting each child on their heads, the youth glanced at the individual dressed in fancier garments then the priest he had encountered the day prior. She was observing him quite attentively. In fact, her posture seemed to straighten up when his gaze landed on her.

<Why did Sulien-hyung send his pope to me? Shouldn't he have sent me his representative instead? That would've been much more helpful.>

Ignoring the mixture of emotions the mortals were emitting, the noble sat down between his father and older brother. Immediately, the kids rearranged their seats so that they were next to their guardian. A bowl of rabbit stew along with a loaf of bread was handed to him to eat. After a couple minutes, the twelve years old vampire inquired.

"Did you have a good sleep, Amias-nim?"

Disapproving looks were aimed at the boy who had just been trying to break the awkward silence. His mother glared at the clergy and elves who were glowering at her son. They had been accompanying the esteemed being the longest aside from his family. Even if her firstborn had been a tad disrespectful by addressing the God by his name, he was still just a child and the man himself did not seem to mind.

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