Chapter 233

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Almost half a day had passed since the divine energy enveloped the immortals. Out of concern, the Saints had each tried to assess their physical condition. Unfortunately, none of them had been able to approach their unconscious forms. As minutes slowly turned into hours, the group began worrying that something was wrong. They even contemplated waking up the slumbering God of Love to see if he may know what was going on. However, they decided against it since there was a chance he'd have a panic attack again. If that happened then they wouldn't have either his father or brother to help calm him.

While the young flock fidgeted anxiously or tried to distract themselves with various activities, the adults had started to gather to discuss possible reasons this was happening. Sitting on the sofa with the dark elves and youngest duo, the prince quietly listened to the others. One of the things that they were in agreement on was that this was directly connected to the still sleeping deity. Although they didn't know how or why. When the representatives tried to ask the Gods for advice or assistance, all they received in response was to be patient.

Another two hours flew by before the assassin awoke with a jolt. His face was extremely pale while his breathing was faster than normal. There were tears in the corner of his eyes. It was as if he had been having a nightmare or seen a ghost. Was there anything in existence capable of frightening him like this?


A quaking brown gaze finally noticed that the group had surrounded him. They saw him open his mouth to speak, but nothing came out of it. This sight added to their concern. After he had taken a few deep breaths to soothe himself, the head of the Molan Household reopened his eyes. He then searched for his sons. Relief filled him when he saw movement coming from the torture expert's cot. Hastily, he tried to sit up to see if his youngest was in the bed. Multiple hands stopped him and forced him to lay back down.

"Don't move, Ron. We need to make sure you and Beacrox are okay."

Exhaustion was visible on the brunet's face. Yet he kept on insisting on getting up since he needed to confirm with his own eyes that the youth was safe.

"Please listen to Derin, Grandpa. Whatever you need to do can wait until after we are certain you and Uncle are healthy."

Weary browns focused on the older of the silver haired twins. There was nothing more important to him right now than seeing his son was alright. Fear, pain, worry, sorrow and grief radiated out of him. Emeralds widened in realization prior to the four years old pulling his hyung's sleeve and pointing to the bed. When the baby dragon met his gaze, the child declared.


Everyone looked at the boy in confusion. Motioning back and forth between his father and grandfather, the deity's youngest attempted to explain.

"Gwandpa want see Papa."


A gasp of amazement slipped out of the eldest being present. How did a kid who was barely four years old figure out what was bothering the immortal before he could? Gold mana surrounded the assassin and moved him over to where the noble was resting. As soon as he saw his youngest was sleeping peacefully, the brunet allowed the Moon God's Saint to perform the necessary physical exam.

"Can either of you tell us anything about what just happened?"

Covering his face with still trembling hands, the older of the duo at last managed to speak.

"Our consciousnesses-"

Before he could finish his sentence, movement came from the entity laying beside him. It was followed by a low groan prior to the youth shifting closer to his father. He nuzzled his face into the other's warmth. The corner of his lips curled up slightly in happiness. Sky blues shone with amusement as they watched the slumbering God of Love.

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