Chapter 285

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A gentle breeze tickled long snowy eyelashes spurring their owner awake. Soon a sleepy pair of silverish emeralds opened to see a familiar pair of sapphires staring directly back at him. Almost immediately, a wide grin appeared on his third youngest son's lips. Tiny arms happily embraced his neck while the five years old telepathically informed the rest of their family that the deity was finally awake. Movement came from the trio who had fallen back asleep due to their father's comforting warmth. Within a matter of minutes, the God of Love's entire flock had swarmed into his bedroom alongside the adults who had been waiting patiently for him to wake up.

<Why is everyone so energetic this early in the morning?>

Focusing on the various auras around him, he noticed a lot of fear or anger coming from his children. His gaze instinctively located the assassin whose benign smile noticeably softened when their eyes met. Did something else happen while he was asleep?


Taking a moment to assist his youngest into a comfortable sitting position, the head of the Molan Household handed him a cup of green tea with a hint of lemon in it. Then he scooped up the Night Hare who was being overly clingy to him since she had started experiencing nightmares the night prior. He still had not figured out if this was the result of her abilities or if something was forcibly causing them. His hand stroked her back as he calmly announced.

"We captured some intruders at the villa on the Eastern Continent last night."

They could see a sharpness in the 19 years old's reptilians.

"Black Bloods?"

"It would seem that one is."

Setting his drink down onto his blanketed lap, the noble carefully examined each member of his flock. Only the child in his father's arms seemed to have an abnormal amount of fear. No one spoke as he handed the cup to the silver kitten and reached out of the anxious little girl. As soon as she was safely in his arms, they saw her bury her face into his chest. Multicolored divine energy quickly enveloped her and soothed her emotional distress. In a mere matter of seconds, she had drifted off into a very peaceful slumber.

<Did you have Aegle examine her?>

-Unfortunately, His Supreme Eminence vanished last night and we don't know where he went.

Matching browns could see the corners of the youth's mouth curl down in response to this news.

<Just where did he run off to this time? Wasn't he tasked with monitoring my health?>

When none of the other Gods commented on his thoughts, he decided to focus on the other more problematic situation at hand. There was no way he would let a Black Blood harm his children. If they had come for any member of his family like the last time, he would personally see that they met a fate far worse than death.

"Where are they?"

"In the dungeon waiting for an audience with you."

Nodding in understanding, he shifted his sleeping daughter onto the bed beside him.

"On. Airi. Gumi. Please watch your little sister for a bit."

All three of the silver haired girls nodded in understanding while the older of the trio returned the cup to their father. Once he was on his feet, the twins crawled over to and laid down next to the unconscious 8 years old. Both got comfortable before taking her hands in their own. They would protect her and comfort her if she had another nightmare.

Upon finishing his tea, the deity disappeared from view to change into more suitable attire for this unexpected meeting. When he returned, he was wearing all black with silver vines stitched along the length of his flowing garments. Every single one of his divine items were visible until he slipped on a pair of black gloves. Pale blues met golds. Was their father planning to torture someone himself? They glanced at the assassin whose browns shone with slight amusement.

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