Chapter 273

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AN: I know it's short, but I felt like writing a bit of fluff. Please leave feedback and enjoy!


An hour after dinner, the God of Love and the immortals escorted his young flock up to his bedroom. They each refused to go to their own room to sleep since they wanted to spend the night with their father. It took them some time to get all of the children into their pajamas, but eventually all of the kids were tucked into their cots or curled up on his bed. Giving them each a hug and a kiss on the top of their heads, the noble said goodnight to his growing family prior to disappearing into his bathroom. There he found a freshly drawn warm bath awaiting him.

<Thank you, Papa.>

-Of course.

Briskly, he disrobed and slipped into the comforting watery embrace.

<Today was an exhausting day.>

After a couple of minutes, the assassin queried telepathically.

-Do you want me to help you at all?

<Hair. Please.>

To his surprise, the door immediately opened and the patriarch of the Molan Household strolled inside. He had towels, a change of clothes for his youngest, the comb divine item and some oils in his arms. Expertly, he placed them all out next to the tub before getting settled behind the submerged 19 years old. His touch was gentle as he undid the extremely long braid and started to work the comb through the youth's long snowy locks. Both sat in silence until the older of the duo started to apply and massage the oils into his son's scalp.


"Yes, Cale?"

Silverish emeralds peeked up at the brunet as the deity tilted his head back into his father's lap.

"I recognize the rosemary and lavender, but what is the third scent?"

Glancing at the hand written label on the bottle, the older of the two explained.

"Vetiver. His Supreme Eminence, the God of Healing, said this specific combination would help you sleep better at night. Is it not to your liking?

Closing his eyes, the noble relaxed into the other's touch while he casually disclosed.

"It just smells different. That's all."

<Not a bad smell. Just a tad nostalgic for some reason.>

As his body started to tingle for his own happiness, his records began to play on their own in his mind. However, for a change they weren't distressing ones. Ones from that very evening prior to him tucking his children into bed.


'Yes, Basen'

Anticipation shone in the familiar browns of his younger brother.

'Can Their Highnesses, Prince John and Prince Paseton please stay here with us for a while?'

Shock flickered across the deity's face briefly before he looked at the two Royals in question. It was good to see his precious dongsaeng making friends, but was it really wise for him to let two outsiders stay here with his family. They were his allies and both already knew his secret. If they stayed nearby, then he'd be able to keep a close eye on them in order to keep the human from exposing it to the world. Plus having a Whale around would be beneficial to his children's growth and education. Out of all his guests, these two were definitely the least dangerous ones.

'If they can get their ruler's permission and are able to perform their Royal duties properly from here, then I don't mind them staying for a month or so. Only until the wars start. Their families and people will need them both to return when the chaos starts. Alright?'

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