Chapter 275

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AN: I don't remember all the Hunter family colors. If anyone else remembers them all, please send them to me. For now I will be going with the Red, Black, White and Blue Bloods. I will figure out the other 3 colors later. Thank you all to my dedicated readers! Please enjoy this chapter and as always please leave feedback if you have any!


Dozens of white stone buildings which reached high towards the sky filled a beautiful valley that was completely surrounded by mountains. Massive spruce trees covered in a thin layer of snow could be seen just outside the boundary of a transparent barrier. Numerous highly advanced magic devices were spread throughout the village in order to maintain it. At the epicenter of everything was a structure which rivaled the Empire's Bell Tower in height and elegance. There were many unusual machines attached to it that only those from Kim Rok Soo's original world would recognize. One of which was a wide screen which projected live videos of predetermined locations found on different worlds. Of them, was a collapsed building currently under repair that only the God of Love would recognize.

<Wait- Are they monitoring all of the other Hunter families? Doesn't that mean they saw me destroy the Black Blood's home? Wouldn't they have figured out my secret at that time?>

Instantly, the youth's shoulder started to burn as the God of Time disclosed.

-Don't worry, Amias. Mata made sure that mortals cannot see any Gods on them.

Relieved by this news, the noble continued to warily survey their surroundings. He made sure to record everything including the coordinates of the locations on the screen. After a few minutes, he spotted a woman approaching who stood out from the gathering crowd of redheads. Her hair was snowy white and was pulled back into an immaculate updo. Weathered red-browns which had witnessed untold stories of time were adorned by wrinkles which revealed her older age.

<Do you know who that is, Aegle?>

-Enit Thames. She was the matriarch of the Thames Household before your mother. Her eldest son and wife, your maternal grandparents, were killed in a dispute with another Hunter family when Jour was 12 years old. Enit raised your mortal mother and her siblings after their death.

<Ho? So she's my great-grandmother. How old is she?>

Matching browns followed the deity's gaze when they heard his thoughts. They could see the elderly woman attentively observing their group. Her sharp gaze lingered momentarily on each of the red haired members of their family before focusing on the God of Love. There was both intrigue and affection in her eyes when she saw how much he looked like her granddaughter.

-As of this year, 107 years old.

<That's a long time for a human. Kairos must really favor her over the other Thames.>

-Not as much as he favors your mother. Had she not been murdered and reincarnated, she would've lived just as long as I did before ascending to Godhood.

Since the noble did not initiate the conversation, the former matriarch approached him in a very dignified manner with a soft expression on her face.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Cale."

<Uncle must've told her all about me.>

"You as well, Great-Grandmother."

They saw her pupils quake in response to the youth's words. At the same time, a delighted smile spread across her lips. It would seem he had heard about her. Was it from his mother or one of the other Gods? Did that mean he was interested in his Hunter origins? If so, what were the chances that he would want to inherit his mother's position as the next head of the family?

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