Chapter 313

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Several hours later, the disguised God of Love stood gazing out over the large dry lake located at the northern corner of Paerun's capital. Numerous cracks could be seen along the parched dirt. Its size was almost a third of the entire Bago City. Situated on its northern shore was a temple and altar which were used during their annual festival. Around that time this place was usually bustling with people bringing offerings or praying to the Gods with the hopes that the lake would once again be filled. However, none of them could have ever predicted that a God would eventually answer their prayers.

<Why are my ancient powers going crazy all of a sudden?>

Currently, the youth was struggling to ignore an unusual pulsing sensation flowing throughout his body. It had gotten stronger with every step he had taken towards the lake. Not only could he sense the faint presence of the God of War, but he could smell traces of the water which had once covered this barren ground. A surging desire to be restored called out to him from his surroundings. Almost like nature was begging for his help.

-Are you planning on destroying it?

Flinching slightly in response to hearing the Super Rock's question, the disguised deity glanced up at the twisting clouds which were steadily gathering. Since there was no response, the voice of his earth ancient power spoke up again.

-Are you trying to destroy the traces of Fire's eternal rival?

<Wait- Eternal rival? Is he talking about the Fire of Destruction? Did Sulien-hyung even have a rival during his mortal life?>

Immediately, the crest on his flesh started to react as the God of Peace spoke up.

-Me! Sulien-oppa and I were constantly fighting to see who was stronger!

<...I see.>

-My ancient power is on the Eastern continent! I will send you its coordinates! Please destroy the traces in that lake! They are evidence of a past I wish I could forget!

With a slightly grim expression hidden behind his mask, the noble nodded in understanding.

-Good luck, Dongsaeng!

On what had once been a delightful, yet chilly fall morning. Extremely dark storm clouds quickly filled the once sunny sky. As the residents of the city below started to hurry inside in order to find shelter for the unexpected storm, a bright rose gold strand of lightning broke through the sudden darkness. Its blinding form danced as it crashed down into the center of the dried up lake. Every single person within the surrounding region could feel the land quake upon contact. A deafening explosion was followed by a massive pillar of fire shooting up high into the sky. These abnormal flames flickered between gold and white giving it a holy appearance. For those who saw it, they couldn't help thinking that a God had caused it. If so, why had they chosen fire instead of water?

An alarm blared as the city knights and soldiers raced towards the Lake of God's tears. At the front of the group was a very panicked swordmaster whose snowy locks blew messily in the hot wind. Trembling emeralds stared up at the fire. Was this what the prophecy he had received from the God of Love meant when he said the lake would soon fill back up? Or had something changed after the stunt he'd pulled last night? No. There was no way such a merciful existence would lash out in punishment or anger. His gaze moved down to the once frozen ground. At the same time, his lips curled up into a victorious grin. It was thawing! This was a message from the God of Love to him! That he needed to be saved from the bastards of the South! Only then will the North be free from their eternal winter! Laughter filled the clearing which caused most of his subordinates to peek at him in growing concern.

After a thorough investigation, it was confirmed that the lightning was indeed not magic like their commander had suspected. Nature had been the cause of the strike. Although very few could believe the Guardian Knight's ramblings. Both about how the God of Love had bestowed upon him a revelation and how he would soon become a legend.

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