Chapter 210

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As soon as he stepped out of the Crown Prince's room, the God of Love instinctively activated the divine item of disguise in order to hide the cracks on his flesh. Then he chased after the older deity whose silver ringlets bounced as she strolled down the halls past very confused disguised dark elves. None of the mortals could move because of the intimidating pressure radiating out of her. Each person was bewitched by her unearthly beauty. Just who was she and why was she leisurely walking around the Future King's palace this late at night?


Since they were too distracted by the gorgeous woman, they never even noticed the fiery haired noble until he arrived at her side. Their eyes widened in shock which quickly transformed to awe and wonder. To think would be able to witness two enchanting entities at the same time. All of their exhaustion instantly disappeared as they were revitalized by the pair's beauty. Once the duo stepped outside, the servants finally snapped out of their trances and returned to work.

<Couldn't we have traveled in a less conspicuous manner?>

With an amused smile on her wine colored lips, the Moon God telepathically replied.

-Of course we could've, but this way was more fun~

<Ha— Maybe for you. However, I find all of their stares to be f***ing annoying...>

She chuckled in response to his grumbling.

-Don't worry, Dongsaeng~ I made sure to cast an illusion on us after we left the building so that no one recognizes us until we reach our destination.

Red-browns glanced at her prior to their owner surrounding himself with wind and propelling himself towards the King's palace. Swiftly, the woman signaled for the elementals to assist her prior to following closely behind the 18 years old. Then they stealthily slipped past all of the Imperial knights, in through the servants' entrance, and down numerous hallways. After locating a secret passageway with the help of the wind elementals, they entered it and descended a long flight of stairs. At the bottom was a stone corridor filled with doors and dozens of the highest quality magic devices. Various spells had also been cast in order to ensure that no one could break in or out of the rooms.

<Wow. His Majesty went all out to create a secret prison. Who is he planning to keep here?>

-Most likely Hunters. Although this isn't strong enough to hold them. He'd need at least several dragons to cast the spells for him if he wanted it to keep one of those bastards in place.

Looking at the older deity in disbelief, he confirmed.

<Are those a**holes seriously that strong?!>

She nodded in confirmation.

-Why do you think we don't want you going after them right now? It's too soon for you.

Frowning at her words, the noble carefully expanded trace amounts of his divine energy throughout this secret floor. Once he located his father, he stormed over to its door and touched it with his bare hand. A gasp of delight came from the Moon God who watched as the thick metal heated up and started melting. It would seem her dongsaeng has grown a lot. Not only with his stealth skills and survival instincts, but also with the familiarity of his divine abilities.

Very soon there was a large hole in the door. On its other side was the swordmaster who was facing them with his weapon drawn. Aura was around its blade ready to cut down whichever trespasser was skilled enough to locate this place and melt a door crafted of the strongest metal known to man. His eyes widened when he saw a very familiar red. Before he could even speak or put his weapon away, he was blasted by an extremely powerful gust of wind causing him to crash into the stone wall. Blood splattered from his mouth while fear filled him.

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