Chapter 230

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AN: I know that Part 2 of the Lout of the Count's Family will be released within the next couple days. However, I plan to keep working on both my fanfics. Please enjoy! 


An hour after the female swordsman had gotten cleaned up and changed into her new attire, the group started buying various snacks, toys, weapons, clothes, accessories and books. They also made sure to buy lots of gifts for their siblings and other family members. While they were at a dress shop letting the two girls try on dresses, the deity felt a strong sensation of pain, fear and despair coming from nearby. Attentively, the older kitten observed her father prior to asking.

"Is everything alright, Papa?"

Meeting the eleven years old's gaze, the youth stoically replied.

"There's someplace we need to go after you and Nisha are done here."

She nodded in understanding before hurrying over to her sister who was currently wearing a frilly pink dress with a bow around its waist. Flowery lace covered the entirety of the gown. Her dyed irises sparkled with happiness as the Night Hare spun in front of the mirror. Once she had made up her mind, the little girl ran over to her guardian with unspoken anticipation.

<Looks like she wants this one too.>

Turning towards the saleswoman, the God of Love announced.

"We'll take this dress as well as the seventeen others they tried on earlier."

Swiftly, the employee of the shop bowed and carried their selected merchandise over to the counter where she carefully packaged them. Handing the woman twenty gold coins, the 19 years old put the items in his spatial pouch and picked up his youngest. Then they headed towards the source of the despair he was sensing. As they got closer to their next destination, the throbbing in the deity's head rapidly worsened. Soon a high end gambling house came into view. All eyes looked at him in confusion.

<This must be where the traffickers are hiding.>

"Inside that building are innocent people in need of being rescued."

Stealthily, he guided his group into a nearby alley.

-Raon. Please cast invisibility and sound proof magic.

Mana enveloped them prior to a transparent barrier appearing around them. No one outside could hear what they were saying inside it. To the naked eye, it looked like they had vanished.

"Listen up. In a couple of minutes, Raon will deactivate his invisibility magic on everyone except himself. He will then stay hidden as he flies above our heads. On, Hong and Nisha will stay in their beast forms while we are inside. Emeline. I don't want anyone in there realizing my kids' races. You all need to follow my lead and not ask any questions. Okay?"

"Yes, Papa~"


"I understand, Young Master-nim."

Immediately, the older three of his children transformed. Their disguise remained intact causing their fur to be black and their eyes to stay rose gold. Doing as he had been instructed, the baby dragon hugged his father's back to let him know he was there. Handing the four years old to the highest grade sword expert, the youth watched the kittens and rabbit nimbly jump up into the woman's arms. A massive grin appeared on his youngest's face as he pet his hyung's back.

"Let's go."

Removing his veil and cloak, the noble altered his appearance before undoing the ribbon in his hair. Long pale blond strands fell beside his face emphasizing his now enchanting blue eyes.

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