Chapter 294

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Amongst the ruins which made up the slums, was a mostly collapsed building which looked like it had once been a restaurant. Numerous broken tables covered in thick layers of dust were strewn along its cracked stone floors. Evidence of a makeshift fireplace sat at the very center of the main room. Around it were over two dozen people covered in grime. They huddled together under thin blankets since their threadbare rags were unable to properly protect their overly thin, trembling forms. Only a tiny portion of the building's original roof actually managed to shield its occu[ants from the unpredictable elements outside.

While the strange group carefully climbed over the rubble, the honey eyed trio ran over to a woman who had a toddler bundled in a blanket sleeping in her arms. Next to her was a man who was slumped against the wall. Unkempt navy blue bangs hung loosely over his extremely ashen face. His breath was extremely haggard while he struggled against the excruciating pain which threatened to steal his consciousness. Where his legs and left arm should be were blood soaked rags tied with thin rope. A pair of sunken irises which matched his kids were cautiously observing the group of outsiders who had entered their unfortunate shelter.

Several gasps came from the God of Love's companions when they noticed the pitiful state the three children's father was in. Multiple gazes looked at the youth in both concern and hope. Was he going to be alright healing such severe injuries? Out of the mortals, the eyes which held the most anticipation were the siblings who held each other's hands tightly for comfort. Would this stranger truly save their father? Could his injuries really be treated?

<What sort of f***ing crime did this man commit to end up this way?>

Pretending not to know that everyone was watching him, the deity made his way through the wreckage until he was standing directly in front of the man. There was a sharpness to his honey irises which seemed to be threatening to kill him if he dared to lay a hand on his family.

"That's a nice gaze."

His comment caught those who heard them off guard. Why was he complimenting a dying man instead of healing him? However, his words caused the man's lips to feebly curl up into a grin.

"Who did this to you?"

" bastards..."

The voice which answered was barely louder than a whisper, yet the weight held within his breath could be felt by everyone in the broken building.


Scared her father would get punished by the noble she brought here, the older girl blocked the 19 years old's view of her family with her outstretched arms. Panic and fear were visible on her face as she tried to prove her guardian's innocence.

"Pa didn't do anything wrong!"


To her surprise, the stranger patted her head in praise. Her pupils shook as she stared up at him in shock and confusion. Even her parents were surprised by his reaction. Did he not care that a lowly peasant talked back to him? Was he not like the other nobles they had seen in the past?

<Such a brave child.>

Kneeling down in front of the courageous child, the deity gently brushed some stray strands of hair out of her pretty eyes and calmly inquired.

"Can you tell me what happened to your father, Maryn?"

He could see her bite her quivering lip and nod. After casting a worried glance at her father, the eldest daughter of the injured man clenched her fists tightly as she revealed.

"A scary man tried to kidnap me, but Pa stopped his people from taking me away. This bad man was friends with the city lord. They arrested Pa and punished him for d-disobedience."

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now