Chapter 315

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While the citizens of Paerun's capital were panicking over the abnormal strikes of lightning, the God of Love's group arrived at the outskirts of the Lake of Despair. Its size was surprisingly larger than the Black Swamp that had once existed in the Forest of Darkness. Although a raging snowstorm was currently obstructing their view of its true grandeur. Several mana barriers were protecting them from the stray poisonous snowflakes. A mixture of awe and worry radiated out of the mortals accompanying the deity. Only the two kittens were extremely enthusiastic about the sight in front of them. After all, they would both be able to get stronger now!


Thanks to the temperature regulating magic the ancient dragon had cast on them, the kids were able to admire their surroundings without feeling cold. Matching golds shone with excitement.


"Yes, Hong?"

To the noble's shock, the young redhead lifted his arms up as if asking to be picked up.

<Does he want me to carry him?>

Taking a moment to hand his second youngest son to the White Wolf, the youth scooped up the kitten who immediately transformed into his beast form. Following the boy's gaze, the God of Love realized what the 8 years old wanted. Before anyone could stop him, the deity stepped out of the barrier and lifted the child up into the air.


Everyone watched quietly as the little cat opened his mouth and caught a snowflake on his tongue. Instantly, his tongue started to tingle in a manner which was quite different than any of the other poisons he had tasted before.

"So tasty!"

As he prepared to catch another flake, his father re-entered the barrier.


Even though his cheeks were puffed up in protest, the noble pet his son's head and explained.

"You'll get a bad stomach ache if you eat too much."


"I know, Hong. However, too many cold things will hurt your stomach."

A gasp of understanding came from the mixed blooded dark elf who had been admiring the way the snowflakes danced as they fell to the frozen ground. Not far away, her older sister was trying to mimic the snowstorm with her fog. Undisguised silverish emeralds noticed his silver haired daughter's actions while he set her blood brother back down on the ground.

"Splendid work, On."

Quaking golds quickly focused on him prior to the older kitten fidgeting with the sleeve of her coat. Various shades of orange and gold radiated out of her while she explained.

"I want to make my fog like this snowstorm."

When she felt a familiar warm hand ruffle her hair affectionately, she peered up at its owner and saw a proud smile on her father's lips.

"I know you'll succeed."

Warm tingling filled the God of Love in response to his daughter's happiness.

"Shall we go?"

"It would be best for me to lead-"

Before the eldest mortal could finish speaking, the noble stepped out of the barrier and onto the frozen lake. Reptilians widened in complete bewilderment when the centuries-old snowstorm instantly stopped. Was this the World Tree's way of greeting the God of Love? Rose gold sparks suddenly caught the blond's attention. Why was his unofficial son using his fire ancient power?

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