Chapter 333

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Upon entering the makeshift enclosure, the highest ranked officials of Roija noticed the youth was leisurely seated on a sofa. On his lap was a blue haired baby who was sucking on a chilled piece of fruit. Her almost whites stared up curiously at her guardian as he listened to her siblings report all of the events which happened after he collapsed. It wasn't until the humans and dark elves had claimed the empty seats that the God of Love finally acknowledged them. His gaze was a mixture of ice and fire. Was he upset that they failed to protect his kids? Or because his family had been attacked by multiple citizens of their kingdom? Silence filled the space while everyone waited for the deity to speak. His one hand was stroking the black haired boy's head while the other rested along the back of the sofa.

<Living Jiangshi. There was something written about them in the Black Bloods' records. So the hunters are involved again.>

"Choi Han."

Dark irises brightened when the raven haired swordmaster heard his lord call his name.

"Yes, Cale-nim?"

Without even looking at the single lifer, the youth sternly instructed.

"Stay with Alberu. I don't want either of you going anywhere alone until I'm certain that bastard hasn't brought unwanted 'friends' with him."

Confusion was on the majority of the mortals' faces. Especially the young flock who had been enjoying the numerous snacks the Queen's servants had brought them.


Everyone could see the noble's third youngest tilting his head to the side in an adorable manner when he repeated his father's words. A half eaten cookie in his tiny hands. To his surprise, the wanderer who had been leaning against the nearby bedpost clarified.

"Hunters. Jiangshi are connected to the Blue Bloods."

<So the Blue and Black Families are allies...>

Swiftly, the God of Love pulled out a communication device which startled the outsiders of the group. They all knew it was impossible to contact the outside world. Unless- Did this teen know of a way to bypass the Cursed One's accursed barrier?

Hope filled them when they saw the device light up when multicolored divine energy was inserted into it. Soon a woman's face appeared on the screen. Her dark chocolate skin was accentuated by the usual magenta tattoos and braids.

"Mama. Is that lady blind?"

No response came from the Queen who watched quietly as the stranger gracefully bowed her head in respect to her benefactor.

"Bedisa. I'm certain you already foresaw the reason I was calling. Correct?"

Chills raced down the officials' spines when they saw her smile and step to the side. Almost immediately, a man with dark red hair stepped into view. A serious expression was on his face which told the God of Love that he had already been informed of the general situation.

"Tell me what you need me to do."

<Ho~ Looks like he's determined to get revenge on the Fayence who betrayed him.>

"Kaeden already went to contact my grandmother. Correct?"

This question piqued the outsiders' curiosity. Especially those of the de Oiche Household.

"Yes. Her Holiness informed us before your call that both the Fayence and Blood Cult are assisting the Cursed One's dogs. She says you have a task for both the Thames and myself."

<Moira-noona's Holy Maiden is extremely useful~>

Glancing over at the immortal twins, the deity's lips curled down into a slight frown.

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