Chapter 276

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After breakfast, the majority of the God of Love's group was taken for a tour of the village by the female cousin named Lyza. They got to see various types of architecture, extremely advanced machinery and unusual plants growing in the communal gardens. There were even horseless carriages which ran on complex magic circles and medium to high quality mana crystals that completely amazed the residents of that world. It became harder and harder as they went along to keep the entire group together since everyone wanted to investigate different things. Brand new medicinal herbs. Advanced medical techniques. Delicious foods which they had never tasted before. Intriguing weaponry that did not exist in their world. Ultimately, the place they all agreed on that they wanted to see was the tower at the very center of everything.

When the entire flock started pestering the woman to see it, she peeked at the youth before reluctantly agreeing. By now, everyone in the tribe knew about him. A God who descended to the mortal realm through their matriarch. He was an existence they had only ever dreamed about meeting! There was no telling the number of benefits his presence or knowledge would have on their research! Plus he had an ability related to time! If agreeing to having his group view their family's generations worth of research would allow them to ask him questions, then she would definitely do so. Even if the children could potentially damage their machines or their secrets could end up being discovered by the outsiders.

When they arrived at their newest destination, the guards at the entrance became alert and blocked their pathway. At least until she informed them that these people were with the God of Love. Most of the armed warriors were shocked and eagerly let them inside. However, the youngest of the armed knights warily observed the youth as he strolled towards the building.

-It would seem your cousin is the most cautious about your presence.


-Kaeden Thames. Younger brother of the body Cale Barrow reincarnated into.

Everyone saw the deity stoically stop mid step and turn to face the fiery haired teenager.

<That kid is the f***ing White S***'s brother?! Mother's annoying brother has another son?>


Matching browns briskly focused on the startled 17 years old.

<Wait- Kaeden? His hair is the wrong color, but- Could he possibly be->

The boy's pupils shook as the noble approached him and firmly grabbed his wrist. There was a frightening look in his eyes as the God of Love looked at the other guards.

"He's going to accompany us for a bit."

Instinctively, the knights bowed in response. Their hands were trembling from the amount of divine energy he had subconsciously been releasing.


No one tried to save the boy from his cousin's grasp when he dragged him away from his assigned post. A mortal's will was nothing compared to a true God's. If they wanted to protect their family properly, they knew they mustn't anger the young God currently visiting them.

<Isn't the White S*** cursed? How is his brother even alive?>

-Lack of love. Cale Barrow had no love for anyone in the Thames and simply used them as a means to achieve his goal. Not to mention that his newest body's own family decided to use him and his subordinates as research subjects. Truly a heartbreaking situation for-

<Don't f***ing pity that bastard, Aegle.>

Curiosity radiated out of his kids when they followed him into an atrium filled with dozens of people running back and forth with files or devices in their hands. Each one had a varying shade of the familiar red hair that the Thames family was known for. However, their clothes were unfamiliar to natives of their current world. At the very epicenter of the large enclosure was an enormous machine which seemed to reach up through multiple levels of the tower towards the very top floor. Surrounding it were floating pathways which connected the rooms on the upper levels together. Flashing on their screens were various complicated calculations and formulas.

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