Chapter 289

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It was late in the evening when the God of Love at last began to rouse from his much needed slumber. To his delight, there was a familiar warmth underneath his head. Cuddling even closer to the man who raised him, the youth took in the other's usual scent of citrus which caused his lips to curl up slightly into a grin. However, this subtle movement immediately woke the assassin who peered down at his adorable puppy of a son. Amusement and relief shone in the older man's browns. Pulling the blanket up over his youngest's shoulder, the immortal quietly queried.

"How are you feeling, Cale?"

Records of the broken slave collar flickered into his mind.

<Like creating some chaos.>

His response caused the brunet to sigh.

"Does that mean you wish to put the fire out yourself?"

Sparkling reptilians met his gaze while the 19 years old mischievously smirked.

"Wouldn't it be fun if the Empire heard rumors that Arm, their secret ally, put out the very fire they started? I bet Adin would be furious."

"Ho? And how do you intend to create this chaos?"

Locating his spatial pouch, the noble slid off of the cheap bed and pulled out his poorly crafted version of the enemy's uniform. Instantly, the assassin's eyes turned into crescent moons. While his son pulled on his outfit, the older of the duo stared down at the matching copy he had been given to wear. Never in his life would he have imagined that he'd wear similar attire to the very bastards who had slaughtered his entire household. Much less for the purpose of creating chaos amongst their ranks.


In response to his son's unspoken concern, the trained killer stood up and pulled on the black outfit. Just as he was putting on his shirt, movement came from the entrance of their tent.

-Ron. Is Cale awake?


Upon hearing the verbal answer, the blond haired dragon slipped through the fabric barrier. His golds immediately examined the young deity to confirm that he was actually alright. It would be extremely problematic if he was hiding his suffering from them again. Once he was certain his unofficial child was simply tired and not hurt, the ancient dragon crossed his arms and inquired.

"Are you planning to go somewhere?"

Instead of giving him a response, the youth pulled out a third copy of the outfit and handed it to the mortal. Disguised reptilians stared down at the pitiful rendition of Arm's uniform. Picking the shirt up with one hand, he critiqued the inexperienced needlework before casually remarking.

"I think we should add sewing to Cale's future lessons."

Wide silverish emeralds looked between the two men in confusion. To his surprise, the immortal nodded in agreement while pulling on his mask.


They saw him glance down at his own shirt with a slight frown.

<Are they really that badly made?!>

"So what's the plan?"

Looking back up at the eldest present, the 19 years old was shocked to discover that he was somehow already changed. Even his normally golden locks and eyes were dyed dark brown.

<How the f*- Is there a magic spell for changing clothes or something? If so, I'd love to learn it.>

"We're going to search Maple Castle for anything valuable before putting out the fire."

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now