Chapter 213

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Almost a dozen children sat on the bed around their father. While the older of the silver haired twins poked the sleeping deity on his face, her dark elf siblings played with the pretty crystalline flowers that had been mysteriously growing around him. They had already made several crowns which they rested on his head. At the same time, their white haired sister was braiding some into their guardian's now collarbone length fiery locks. None of the adults knew why his hair had grown so much over the last five days.

"Unnie~ Do you know when Papa will wake up?"

Sitting at the end of the bed was the excommunicated priestess who was pulling up the youngest Holy Maiden's ringlets into a beautiful updo.

"My annoying lord said it should be soon. Did you get permission to go like I told you to?"

"Yep~ Daddy said that we can go with you to Taylor-oppa's party as long as Papa goes with us."

Continuing her prodding of the youth's pale cheek, she noticed his long red eyelashes start to flutter. Reptilian silverish emeralds shot open to see each of the excited faces of his young flock instantly transform into ones of shock, concern and bewilderment. Peeking down at his hand, they confirmed that he wasn't wearing the ring of disguise. All eyes focused on the unofficial representative of the God of Death for answers, but she was frozen in place.

<Is something wrong? Why does everyone suddenly feel anxious?>


Two tiny blurs burst through the curtains and launched themselves at the baffled 18 years old's warm chest. Happiness radiated out of them as they wrapped their arms around his neck. Each one was dressed in formal attire with a ruby decal at the center of their matching black ribbon ties. Not far on their heels were the immortals who were both dressed in fancy suits instead of their usual servant disguise. Both of their browns widened when they saw his eyes.

<What day is it?>

-The day of Taylor Stan's party at the Stan residence in the capital.

Swiftly, the assassin approached his son and brushed his regrown bangs out of his face.

"Are you feeling alright, Cale?"

<Of course.>

Confused dark blues peered up at the patriarch of the Molan Household before focusing on their father's face. Immediately, the four years old alerted the adult dragons via magic.

-Goldie Gramps! Grandma Millie! Uncle Buzzcut! Papa's eyes are like ours!

They could hear the delight in the boy's voice.

-Ho? Did they turn reptilian again?

-Make sure to let Grandpa Ron know. Okay, Sweetie?

Noticing the massive grin on his second youngest grandson's lips, the older immortal calmly instructed the short haired woman.

"Please take the kids to the lounge for a bit. It's time for Cale to get ready."

Hesitating briefly, the brunette nodded in understanding and quickly herded the young group out of the God of Love's bedroom. As soon as they were alone, the assassin cleared a spot on the flower covered bed next to his youngest and sat down.

"How did things go with Salm?"

Attempting to prop himself up, the deity at last became aware of the numerous flowers blooming all around him. His pupils shook when he saw that they were the same as the one he had grown in the Forest of Darkness.

<What the f***?!>

"They started to appear after the crest on your wrist disappeared."

Handing his youngest a cup of extremely sweet lemonade that his firstborn had prepared, the eldest of the trio continued to explain.

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