Chapter 263

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AN: Since I left the last chapter in such a distressing spot, I thought I'd post a second chapter. I hope this provides everyone with a bit of comfort. 


Unable to stop the nightmare of records raging out of control in his mind, the youth lifted the weapon up towards his neck. Cold metal pressed against his flesh as he prepared to take what he had concluded in the emotional chaos to be the action necessary to getting his mortal mother's memories back. Just as the blade started to break the already cracked skin, his bedroom door opened and four little children snuck inside. They were concerned about their father who had collapsed earlier. A quiet, yet familiar voice caused the deity's hand to freeze.

"Remember Dongsaengs. We have to be quiet because Papa needs lots of rest. All we're doing is checking on him. If any of our grandmas or grandpas catch us in here, then we'll be in big trouble. So we need to be quick. Okay?"

Three nods confirmed they understood their mission objective. In to see with their own eyes that their guardian was alright. Then back to bed before they got caught. If he was well enough in the morning, they'd be able to spend the day and possibly the night with him later on. Since the curtains around the bed were closed, they planned to creep a little closer and take a peek.


Dark blues, violets and an almost white gaze looked at their emerald haired brother whose eyes were fixated in concern on the bed. He could sense the mess of emotions radiating out of the 19 years old. Including the subtle fluctuation when his Hyung spoke. That was enough for him to know that the God of Love was awake and something was definitely wrong. Should they get an adult? Wouldn't they get in trouble if they did that? Maybe they could help him with whatever was going on. Was it possible he had another nightmare? Or did he simply just miss them that much? Pointing towards the large bed, he looked at his older brother and repeated.


It took the older boy a minute, but soon he realized that their father was awake. Unfortunately, he hadn't noticed his sibling's concern and eagerly launched the four of them through the fabric barrier sepataing them from their precious loved one. However, what greeted them was a horrifying sight that caused the boy to unintentionally cancel his magic spells and caused the children to fall onto the thankfully soft mattress.


Cried the third youngest in obvious distress. Tears welled up in his eyes as he saw his father was pressing a blade directly to his throat. A trickle of liquid radiance dribbled down his crack covered neck. His cheeks were stained with the glowing evidence of his increasing despair.

-H-Help! P-Papa has- Papa has-

Out of fear and desperation the eldest of the four hastily hugged his father. At the same time he sent out a cry for help to every single person in the estate and surrounding area. He didn't focus his magic since he was too scared on stopping his guardian from being an idiot again. Although this was the first time he knew of that he had intentionally hurt any part of his body himself. If he could just get him to calm down, then maybe he would stop. Right?

"P-Please stop, P-Papa."

Hearing his frightened son pleading with him, the deity fought even harder to regain control over his ability. Very soon all four kids were clinging onto him in an attempt to comfort him. Their sobs filled the room. Suddenly, a surge of mana came from the sitting area. Within seconds, the curtains were thrown open and the assassin appeared. His browns widened briefly prior to his instincts quickly kicking in. One hand reached out and grabbed the blade while the other the youth's hand. He did not care that his own blood from a fresh wound was dripping down onto the blanket and his son's pajamas. All that mattered in that moment, all that he cared about, was stopping the boy from harming himself.

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now