Chapter 250

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AN:  Wow! I can't believe its chapter 250 already! Please enjoy this chapter! 


Midday sunlight shone brightly down through the barrier which protected the capital from the spread of dead mana. It reflected off of long snowy strands which peeked out from under a black hood. A mask covered dark tan skin so that only a set of piercing silverish emeralds could be seen as their owner carefully examined a merchant's wares. Next to him stood a mixed blood dark elf whose face was covered by a veil. Many curious glances were cast their way whenever they spoke since they were conversing with each other in an unfamiliar tongue.

"Seriously, Cale. What are you thinking?"

Not even bothering to look up at his fiancé, the deity continued to search for gifts for his growing family. Unfortunately, his lack of response only added to the prince's chaotic thoughts. Just what was he planning? Normally he would personally take part in the chaos. Yet here he was insisting they go out together while everyone else deals with things. He was well aware that the reckless idiot loved to slack off. However, it was rare for him to actually do so when there was a chance someone he cared about could get hurt. Even if he never admitted it out loud, his stubborn God of Love was at least consistent with his actions. Did he just not believe that these missions were dangerous? Or was he secretly plotting something that he didn't want them to know about?

"I really don't know how us going on a date has anything to do with the objectives you told the others about earlier. If you're feeling tired we could have just stayed back at the castle."

<If I tell him I'm trying to lure the Cursed One's followers out of the God of Death's temple then he will immediately try to stop me and take me back. I can't let that happen. Only Papa would have a chance against them right now since Hyung went with Mary and Ilu stayed behind to protect the encampment. Plus there's the Hunters...>

There was no discernible expression on the 19 years old's face when he asked.

"Do you not want to spend time with me?"

"That's not it! I just-"

Suddenly, a meat skewer was stuck in the Future King's mouth. A mischievous gleam was in the youth's eyes as he playfully instructed.

"Then stop worrying about unnecessary things and enjoy yourself."

Dark browns watched the perplexing entity pay for a pile of books with a gold coin. Greed shone in the vendor's grays. Although it instantly turned into awe when their purchases vanished from their counter. Could they be mages?

"At whose expense?"

Unease filled the brunet when he saw a familiar smile spread across the other's handsome face.

"The Pope's obviously."

Sympathizing with the religious leader, the mixed blood nibbled on his snack and muttered.

"...thankfully it's not one of the Gods..."

"I got stuff from them too~ Including land and mana crystal mines."

This revelation caused the dark elf to stop walking and stare at him in disbelief. Was no one able to avoid his scamming schemes? Just how skilled was he that he could easily get whatever he wanted from the older deities. To think this vey person would one day become his husband and the Moon of his kingdom. How could he be so lucky and unlucky at the same time? It didn't matter how rich he was, there was no doubt his treasury would bleed because of his partner.

As they were strolling over to the next stall, an explosion came from the direction of the God of Death's temple. Terror filled the citizens which caused the noble to stumble from the sudden surge of pain. Shouts declaring that the Annihilators had come filled the area around them.

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