Chapter 353

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Floral scents danced along an unexpected breeze. Mixing playfully with the pleasant aroma were the musical chirps of hundreds of birds serenading the God of Love. Each one alerting the deity that he wasn't on Wind Island anymore. Hastily, the noble opened his eyes to discover he was laying on the ground. Based on the stone ceiling above him, he was probably back in the underground palace. Although the plants around him were a lot different then the one that he recalled were in all its gardens. Did his Amna adjust it while he was away? What about the test his wind ancient power had mentioned? Was it that dangerous that the others had to get involved and send him here?

<Ha— I don't have the time for this. Let's hurry to the next destination.>

With a stoic expression, the youth got to his feet and strolled over to the nearest entrance into the Wood Wing. At the same time, he expanded his presence to see if there was a mage nearby who could contact his dragons for him. However, the instant he stepped into the building, a man with light gray hair neatly pulled back by a white ribbon became alert. His dark purples shook briefly while they took in the majestic sight before him.

"Y-Your Supreme Eminence!"

In slight fear and desperation, this unfamiliar person knelt on one knee while saluting him by placing his closed fist above his heart. Underneath it was an extremely familiar crest which only three people possessed robes that contained it so far. How was there another holy knight who served him when he'd only bestowed the Chois with the uniforms so far?!

"Who are you?"

There was a noticeable sharpness to the undisguised noble's voice as he spoke. This alone caused the mortal to tremble in increasing terror. Had he done something to awaken or upset the ancient entity who slumbered within the Sacred Palace's Innermost Courtyard? Should he call for their Holinesses to pacify him?

"I am the descendent of Bishop Von Ejellan who was selected to serve within your temples after the Ancient War over 12,684 years ago. My given name is-"

<Hold on- Ancient war?! 12,684 years ago?! S***! Is this an illusion of the future or did I actually get sent forward in time by another moterf***ing God?!!>

"Where are Ron and Beacrox?"

Hesitating momentarily, the centuries old vampire explained in growing concern.

"They are completing the tasks you assigned to them."

When the piercing silverish emerald gaze didn't lessen in sharpness, the mortal clarified.

"After your victory against the Cursed One, you instructed them to watch over the souls of your reincarnated family, friends and allies."

<Reincarnated? Doesn't that mean they died? How?>

Due to the uncomfortable silence, the holy knight respectfully continued to remind his liege.

"Every single esteemed hero-nim died while fighting alongside your esteemed self during the final battle where you successfully annihilated Despair. As a result of their sacrifices, you sent your servants to protect the precious souls and isolated yourself from mortal society. According to my predecessor, you have been secluding yourself within your nest for the last 65 centuries."

<Nest? Wait- S***!>

Before the vampire could say anything else, the deity towards the center of the garden. There he discovered a massive plush bed surrounded by thousands of flowers, mana crystals and various offerings the clergy had set out for him while he rested. Directly in the middle of the luxurious mattress sat eight shimmery eggs. Each one a unique mixture of rainbow as a holy radiance flowed out of their delicate looking forms.

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