Chapter 225

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Once the youth's group arrived at the God of Life's temple, they dispersed momentarily to put their things in their rooms and get into their swimsuits. After getting into an extremely light shirt and dark blue shorts, the deity located a book with a hard white cover on the table next to the bed. Rose gold vine decals adorned it beautifully. Next to it was an elegant ring with a sapphire gemstone which had been carved into a delicate rose. Briskly, he put it on and the flower started to glow in response to his divine energy. Within minutes, the crystal became pure white.


Just as his bedroom door opened, the redhead picked up the guide and grabbed his spatial pouch. Then he turned to greet his excited young flock.

"Papa~ Ilu says that they set the beach up for us already~"

"Can we play beach volleyball, Papa? Oppa's Master says it's really fun~"

"I want to go swimming!"

"Swim! Swim! Swim!"

His lips curled up slightly due to how adorable his kids were as they raced towards him with sparkling eyes full of anticipation. Suddenly, two surges of light announced the arrival of the rest of their family. One revealed the pale blond while the other was the exhausted prince.



"Dada! Dada!"

Immediately, the children surrounded the duo and hugged them in greeting. While they did, a set of weary sky blues examined the soon to be 19 years old. To think his future husband could potentially do the same as what he had just witnessed the God of Life do. How did he get so lucky to obtain such a majestic entity as his partner? A hand pulled on his shirt. Peering down at its owner, he saw his dark elf son was grinning happily.

"You need to get into your swimsuit too, Daddy~ Then we can go swimming or find pretty shells together! Or maybe even play beach volleyball that Choi Han-hyung talked about!"

Ruffling the pure blood's dyed red locks, the Future King disappeared into the bathroom and returned in a pair of shorts and a black tank top which clung tightly to his muscles. Red-browns instantly focused and lingered on the mixed blood.

<At least he's not in his true form. That would be way too f***ing dangerous.>

-Like what you're seeing?

Hastily, the God of Love averted his gaze with dark pink ears. When he peeked back at his fiance he could see a smug smile on the prince's face.

<D**n bastard is enjoying this!>

After everyone had arrived, the youth scooped up the toddler prior to taking the younger dusty blond twin's hand in his own. The group then strolled outside, through the trees, to the section of the shore that the baby Whales preferred to visit. Large blankets covered in plush pillows, magic lanterns, comfortable chairs, and tables full of delicious foods were already set out for them. A fire pit and a temporary volleyball court had also been prepared.

<Ilu seriously went all out in setting things up for us.>


Swiftly, everyone spread out to explore the various activities available. All of the dragons, blonde swordmaster, Crown Prince, mages, immortals, Foxes and saints gathered around the single lifer while he explained the rules of beach volleyball. It wasn't long until the court turned into a battlefield as the players used aura, mana, divine powers or their berserk transformations to play. Multiple magic barriers had been cast to keep the reinforced ball from flying away, prevent the terrain from being destroyed and to protect those who were observing them.

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