Chapter 247

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Everyone stared in bewilderment as two adorable children holding hands stepped out of the largest crack. However, the moment their skin disconnected, their appearance instantly reverted to that of two beautiful adults. One had magenta makeup accenting their dark violet eyes while the other had teal. Their skin almost seemed to shimmer with the flickering campfire. Even their clothes looked surreal as they flowed around them like fire and water. A mystical fish tattoo was on one's left shoulder and upper chest. While the other had a phoenix going down their entire exposed right side. All the way to their upper thigh.

Gracefully, the younger of the duo approached and knelt down in front of the God of Love. No one spoke as they kissed a handful of his snowy locks and grinned endearingly.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet such a beautiful-"

Instantly, his sibling smacked him hard on the back of his head.

"Are you insane, Ryn?! Our lord clearly said that His Excellency is off limits!"

"Oh come on! He's hot! How could I not take this chance?"

<What the f***?!! Kairos! Why did you f***ing pick them as your representatives?!>

Disbelief was hidden by the 19 years old's usual stoic mask. At the same time, multiple people were shooting vicious glares at the newly arrived Saint. While his sister was lecturing him, her gaze noticed the bandages on the youth's hands and traces of radiance on his cheeks. Anger radiated out of her which caused the nearby fire to immediately triple in size.

"Which f***ing bastard would dare mar the face of such a handsome man by making him cry?!"

<Even her?!>

Molten violets ignored the former princess whose hair was the wrong shade and searched the crowd around them for the annoying color. Once she located the deity's mortal maternal uncle, she smirked maliciously while remarking with audible venom.

"Of course a Thames would be causing problems again. They just never learn."

With the wave of her hand, a bird made of magenta fire materialized in the air around her.

"Ilu-nim. Please make sure my idiot Dongsaeng doesn't do something that will invoke the wrath of your liege or His Excellency. I'm going to have a little chat with that a**hole over there~"

Chills raced down every mortal's spines as they watched her familiar launch itself at the Hunter who realized he was in deep trouble. Before he could even try to escape, he was helplessly lifted up into the sky and carried away somewhere. Wings made of fire grew out of the Holy Maiden's back before she flew after her prey. A man's blood curdling scream of terror echoed through the night causing everyone to warily peek at her brother. Except he was too distracted to notice since he was checking out the deity's group. Especially the dragons. If he couldn't pursue the most attractive there, he was fine with the next best which came as a tie between a long haired blond and a beige haired woman.

"Not bad~"

<Don't Gods normally select their representatives based on their values? These two are nothing like Kairos! Why would he ever pick them?!!>

Unexpectedly, the Moon God quickly answered the youth's unspoken questions.

-Usually, yes~ Kairos, Salm and Mata are very different from the normal. I know it's hard to believe, but these siblings were actually selected as successors for their positions after they completed a series of tests and challenges held by their tribe. Only someone who has the strongest affinity to and can successfully activate the God of Time's divine items can inherit the role of either Holy Maiden or Saint. They just happened to be a tad unique this generation.

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