Chapter 255

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Suddenly, the youth found himself standing back in the caverns filled with eggs. Only for some unknown reason they were all now a murky reddish black. Before he could even figure out what was going on, every single one of them started to rapidly crack and explode. Mist of the same unnerving color began to creep out of the shattered shells. It gathered in front of him and formed a humanoid figure. Where its face should be was an extremely malicious smirk. A chilling voice flowed directly into his mind.

-Everything is your fault.

<Shut up!>

Subconsciously, the being of light took a step backwards.

-They will all perish because of you.

<Go away!>

Sound refused to leave the God of Love's mouth.

-Everyone you love will all die.

<I will protect them!>

Blood curdling laughter echoed through the caverns.

-How can you save those precious to you when you're trapped in this world?

Images of his dongsaengs and stepmother appeared in the air above. There were servants with an eerie aura standing near the unsuspecting trio.

-One word from me and they're all dead.

<Your b****es can't touch them as long as they're wearing Amna's divine items!>

His response amused the entity made of fog.

-Haven't you learned? Jewelry like rings and bracelets are easily removed. Unless a God marks them or infuses their divine energy into them, I can always find a way to destroy them.

<You motherf***ing a**hole!>

Delighted by his opposite's increasing anger and hatred, the reddish black figure added.

-Besides, I only need to expose these mortals to enough despair for them to end their own life.

<Touch my f***ing family and I will f***ing kill you, you d**n s***ty motherf***ing a**hole!>

-Not if my love kills you first~

Before he could even retort, the 19 years old woke up in his bed breathing heavily. His hands were trembling in both rage and fear. Unfortunately, his chaotic divine energy alerted those inside the palace that something was wrong.

-Are you okay, Cale?

-Did you have another nightmare?

-Don't worry, Papa! Grandpa's coming!

-Who would you like me to beat up for you this time?

Running his shaky fingers through his fiery locks, the deity took a moment to calm himself before grabbing his spatial pouch and locating a teleportation scroll. Just as he tore it in half, the door to his bedroom opened.

"What- Amias!"

Light enveloped the redhead while the assassin called out to him. When it faded, the noble was standing in an alleyway between two ruined buildings.

<Black Bloods.>

Glowing reds focused on the Imperial Palace.

<It's their f***ing fault I ended up in this world in the first place.>

After confirming that he was alone, the youth removed a cloak from his bag and put it on. Then he altered his appearance with the magic device he had purchased the day of the Northeastern Noble's meeting. Both his hair and eyes turned a dark chocolate brown.

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