Chapter 326

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While those on the elevated platform hurried to save the Queen, dozens of nobles and their esteemed guests became chaotic. Most from fear while the Purist Faction shouted slander at the red haired existence they believed to be a fraud. Why else would he disobey their God by adopting impure bloods? As is, he had already executed one of their religious leaders simply because they tried to expose his sins to the Sun of their kingdom! There was no way they could just sit silently as he corrupted their peace and purity!

Anticipation filled the disgusting humans when they saw the ball of fire charging towards the non-humans accompanying the youth. Even when half a dozen magic barriers surrounded them, the smiles on the Purist Faction's lips did not vanish. No. Instead they grew wider and even more malicious as each one shattered from the surge of 'holy' power they believed came from their God. After all, they truly believed all other Gods were inferior to their own. Meaning all attempts of survival on the impures' part will be absolutely futile. Not even their connections with the de Oiche could save them now.

These very people were so caught up in celebrating their unattained success to notice that the walls all around them were creaking. Nor did they notice the cracks or dust falling down from the ceiling above them. Only those directly next to the terrace realized that a hailstorm was raging outside. When they saw this, they looked back towards the 'Saint' staring in shock at the One Who Speaks for the Gods. Several people rubbed their eyes to confirm they themselves weren't seeing things. Especially since the God's Chosen One almost seemed to be restrained by a lemon colored stand of mist. Were the other Gods also trying to stop him from intervening?

<F***! Aegle! Release me this d**n instant!>

No response came from the fog which trembled ever so slightly in response to the teen's rage.

<Do you want me to get Amna?!!>

Glowing red irises watched the other God's presence quiver as if it was silently crying. Yet it still did not release him. In fact, he could feel his ancient powers working in opposition of his will.

<You f***ing a**hole!>

Every single glass or china item near the 19 years old immediately shattered from the extremely powerful pressure he was releasing. Any mortal within close proximity ended up collapsing to the floor. Their entire bodies were shaking uncontrollably while their gazes focused on the teen.

<My family is in danger!>

Rose gold sparks started to appear around the deity whose blood red locks were dancing freely within the mini gales rapidly forming from his rage.

<Most of the adults don't have divine items! Are you seriously going to just let them die if the immortals can't block the despair?!>

-I'm sorry...

A quiet response came from the God of Healing which further increased the youth's rage.

<Sorry?!!! Do you not care at all about my family?! Where in the f***ing realms are you?! Why aren't you here to help me protect them?!>

Dyed red-browns quaked in terror when they saw the murky flames crash into the Dragon Lord's defensive barriers. He had not missed the subtle wince of pain she tried to hide from their family hidden protectively behind her. On either side of her were the Twins of Time. Except they both had cast aside their mortal disguises. Allowing their familiars the freedom to move around and assist in fending off the molten despair on the other side of the multicolored shields.

"Phoenix! It's a phoenix!"

Two sets of dark violet eyes glowered at the ugly looking noble who had fallen to the ground at the sight of a bird formed from magenta flame. How in the world could such a pure existence have come from someone who would willingly protect impure non-humans? Grim expressions contorted the sibling's usually attractive faces while the smoldering despair spread out along the barrier. Each clash with their powers confirming the cruel truth hidden by the Roija Kingdom.

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