Chapter 322

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Happy squeals came as two young boys jumped onto their still sleeping father's chest. Pure excitement was visible on their faces. Groggily, the God of Love opened his heavy eyelids to discover both his five years old sons grinning widely right back at him. Their glee caused him to smile back in response. Chuckling at how adorable his children were behaving, the youth ruffled their snowy and raven locks affectionately. Just as he opened his mouth to greet them, a small lump hidden underneath the warm blanket released a muffled whine of protest prior to starting to move. Soon a tiny baby with messy blue hair came into view. Her tiny hand rubbed her almost white eyes while the other squeezed and released the lacy trim of her nightgown.

"Good morning, Raon. Mureul. Aera."

Instantly, a bright expression replaced the dazed one on his youngest's face. Doing her best to crawl over to her adoptive father, the baby dragon beamed happily.


Giggles of joy came from her when the deity sat up and scooped her up into his arms. Both her older brothers had flopped back onto the bed while laughing. It took her a moment to realize that two important members of her family were missing. Wide reptilians searched the bed for the missing pair before the baby looked at her guardian and queried.

"Oe-ba? Ka-ba?"

<Is she trying to say Noe and Kasul? Come to think of it, where are those two? They never stray too far from Raon or myself if they can help it.>

Understanding what his youngest sister was asking, the raven haired boy proclaimed.

"They're with Dada! He brought us cookies!"

<Alberu's here? Where is Papa?>

Almost white reptilians sparkled in excitement at the mention of the delicious treats. Before he could stop her, pale blue mana enveloped his baby and she flew out of the curtained shelter.

"Wait for us, dongsaeng!"

<Did she miss Alberu that much? Should I let him hold her more?>

Curiosity and happiness mixed with unease when the deity thought of the various reasons his fiance would choose to visit him this early in the day. Especially while they were staying within the palace limits of another kingdom. Briskly, the 19 years old pulled on his robe and strolled towards the sitting area of his extremely fancy guest room.


Dozens of kids jumped up from their makeshift seats and rushed towards the youth. Each one waiting somewhat impatiently to give him a hug or receive another form of affectionate greeting from their guardian. Cookie crumbs covered the mouths of several of his younger children. Two sets of matching greens shone when his eldest set of twins' turn arrived. Silver ringlets bounced while the older of the duo eagerly requested.

"Can we please go visit the temple on the palace grounds today? One of the servants said the Sacred Flame of Purity is resting there!"

Even though his face was expressionless, a set of pale blues noticed their father's hand falter ever so briefly while it had been stroking his sister's head.


Gorgeous undisguised silverish emeralds focused on the White Wolf who asked in concern.

"Do you not get along with the God whom that temple belongs to?"

Before he could answer his eldest officially adopted son, the Holy Maiden sisters declared.

"Not possible, Oppa! The God of Purification liked Papa enough to send his followers to aid him on Sha-Orlen! There's no way he'd dislike him now!"

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