Chapter 350

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AN: Wow! I can't believe we've actually reached chapter 350! Thank you all for your continued support so far! I greatly look forward to witnessing the future of this fanfic with you all!


Silence filled the entire banquet hall as the majority of the mortals processed the scene they had just witnessed. Especially those from Roan who knew about the youth's past actions when he was pretending to be trash. Was this one of the fits they had heard about? No. It wouldn't make sense for someone like the God's Chosen One to do such a thing now that he wasn't hiding his true identity. So then why had he blasted all of their food onto the floor? Out of everyone there, the ancient dragons and immortals were the quickest to realize what was going on. Swiftly, the torture expert approached one of the flustered servants and whispered a series of commands to them. Then he proceeded to put on several pairs of pristine white gloves with a dark expression.

"Was there something wrong with the food, Sweetie?"

The reincarnated Countess' question startled the humans who had not yet realized the reason for the deity's actions. Every single one looked at him in either concern, curiosity, gratitude or fear. Yet no answer came from the 19 years old's lips.

<F***ing s***s!! How dare they try to do such a thing after everything that's happened already?!>

-Breathe, Dongsaeng. Or your divine presence will cause another storm.

After a few minutes, the twin doors were both opened and the entire kitchen staff trudged into the room. Each one terrified of the possible reason they had been called there. Their gazes lowered to the floor in order to avoid obtaining the wrath of the 'Demon Chef'. Being wheeled on a cart in front of them was a massive pot which still held the remnants of the butternut squash soup now covering the stone floor. Many subconsciously held their breath when the very person who had made their lives a living nightmare over the last few days picked up the ladle.

Attentive browns searched the yellowish orange liquid for the reason his brother had knocked their breakfast everywhere. Since he had targeted more than just a couple bowls, that meant the issue was with the soup itself and not the china dishes. Soon his gaze became molten with rage as he started to pick out something from the spoon. Setting the tiny sprigs of poisonous nettle onto a handkerchief, the eldest son of the Molan Household growled.

"Who made this soup?"

Confusion rapidly turned into horror when the Head Chef saw what was resting on the delicate fabric in the immortal's gloved hand. Immediately, his gaze fixated on the individual who he had personally tasked with preparing the meatless delicacy. Everyone in the hall followed his gaze to a middle aged woman with exhausted, hollow, teal eyes. Wavy brown hair was carefully pulled back by a scarf. Her skin was quite pale. Ashen even. Yet none of her co-workers had thought anything about it since she often worked herself until she collapsed.


Pupils shook when the kitchen staff realized the Grand Duke's firstborn knew their names.

"Why is there Reaper's Sigh in this butternut soup?"

Glass shattering drew their attention back towards the main table. A minister from the Purist faction had dropped the wine glass they had been drinking from due to shock. Spilling its entire contents all over himself and the official directly to his left.

"R-Reaper's Sigh?"

His voice shook from horror while he continued to seek clarification that he'd heard correctly.

"As in the d-deadly poison said to silence you by suffocating you from the inside out?"

To everyone's horror, the torture expert nodded in confirmation. Never once taking his gaze off the peculiar woman in front of him. Something was obviously wrong with her. Based on the way his brother's divine energy was fluctuating, he too had noticed it.

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