Chapter 374

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Around midnight that same night the youth began to stir from his slumber. When he tried to rub his eyes, he discovered his arms were both being restrained. One by an undisguised dark elf and the other by two sleeping Killer Whales. Soft pink waves peeked out from under the covers next to the biological siblings. Revealing that the newest member of his Whale Tribe children had also snuck into his bed. The skinny young Beluga enjoying the warmth. Tingling weight on his chest drew his attention to his youngest four. Curled up around his head were nine balls of fur. Six kittens, a fox, a Night Hare and the smallest of the four Panthers. Carefully, he raised his head to peek down at his legs which were pinned under a White Lion. Six wolves claimed the bottom of the bed. Both Red Wolves had happily curled up with each other. Wedged between two Blue Wolves and the White Wolf was a slightly smaller Black Wolf. His paws pushed against the eldest of the boys' faces in an attempt to distance him from the child's Lock-hyung.

<Looks like they snuck in after Aegle left.>

His lips curled up into an affectionate smile as he gently stroked the black dragon's back.

<I still can't believe they'll all be turning a year older in a couple of weeks. Meaning it's almost been two years since I regressed. Time has seriously flown.>

Quietly, the deity chuckled when the soon to be 6 years old swatted at his hand in his sleep.

<So cute.>

Records of the ball started to play inside his mind. Reminding him of the note which the God of Healing would certainly confiscate if he found out that he had it.

<Kalani. They're an ascended Divine Dragon. Plus they said they're my cousin. I wonder why Amna has never told me about them or their parent.>

Very carefully, the noble freed himself from the slumbering children. Staring with his arms and then relocating those on his chest beside him. Whines of protest came from his baby who flailed a little when he moved her away from his warmth. Although she was skillfully swept back to the realm of dreams when the God of Love enveloped her with his divine energy.

<Shouldn't Amna want me to get to know the rest of our family?>

Once his legs were free, the 19 years old stealthily crept his way over the Whales. Shifting them even closer to their siblings as he traversed towards the edge of the bed.

<Unless they're also related to a Sealed God. Wait- Could the reason Amna's emotions were so chaotic be because Xara is their sibling? That would explain why they felt both familial love and sorrow when I mentioned them.>

Nimbly, he stepped down between the kids lying on the floor. Many of whom only used pillows and stuffies to comfort themselves. Frowning at this sight, the God of Love retrieved his spatial pouch from the bedside table. Then he began setting up cots and delicately placing each of the children resting on the floor onto them. Covering them all with thick warm blankets so that they wouldn't catch a cold. As they were resettled, he kissed them on their heads similar to how his parents had done for him as a child.

<If so, doesn't that mean my Entle is sealed away? Doesn't that mean they committed a serious offense? No wonder Amna felt regret. They are a proper ruler. So they unfortunately could not overlook the crimes of their closest relatives.>

Just as he finished tucking in the cinnamon haired Black Bear, the 19 years old briskly pulled on a robe and strolled out onto the balcony.

<Although I'm quite curious as to what they did. I can't see the God of Dreams being a monster like my opposite. Bestowing nightmares isn't a dire enough reason to be imprisoned over.>

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