Chapter 330

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Footsteps echoed through the hallway as the wanderer quickly approached the room where the immortals, dragons and reincarnated Hunters had gathered. Currently, his paternal uncle and the Gods' representatives were standing watch over the slumbering flock of children. Doing his best to remain calm, the youngest of the Chois entered the small office space and claimed the empty chair adjacent to the ancient blond. Now that everyone was present, they could finally discuss the abnormal situation they had witnessed earlier.

"We have a serious problem."

Everyone looked at the Korean who had arranged this meeting. No one spoke while they waited patiently for him to continue. A cup of herbal tea was set in front of him by the torture expert. His hands instinctively clenched the delicate china for comfort.

"If what Cage says was correct, then there is a Blood Cult member or at least a host allied with them somewhere within this palace."

Matching browns darkened when they heard a group devoted to blood was involved. If their suspicions were correct, they probably were sadistic fanatics who loved to kill and shed blood.

"Blood Cult?"

Meeting the eldest immortals' gaze, the wanderer carefully explained.

"They are an infamous organization from a world known as the Central Plains."

Dark irises noticed the reincarnated matriarch of the Thames Household shift ever so slightly in her seat. Her own red-browns were sharp like daggers coated in poison. It was clear she had some preexisting knowledge related to their potential enemies.

"Are they Hunters?"

This time the little korean answered the white haired dragon's question. Anger burned like a fire within every word that left her lips.

"Both the Blood Cult and Blue Merchant Group are controlled by the Blue Blood Hunter Family.

As each member of her baby's unofficial protection squad processed her statement, the girl removed a folder from her spatial pouch. A scowl was visible as she revealed to them all.

"My cousin alerted me during our last visit that the Blue Bloods had begun to move. However, I didn't think they'd ally themselves with the Cursed One's monster..."

Tapping the armrest of his chair, the exhausted blond at last brought up the unnerving topic which every one of them was worried about.

"What exactly do they have to do with a corpse looking and acting alive?"

There was a brief moment of silence before the descendant of Choi divulged.

"That thing we encountered earlier is an existence known as a Jiangshi. Or in this case, a living Jiangshi. They are puppets who serve a designated host. Those which are 'living' are the most dangerous since they still possess a soul, even though they are technically dead and supposed to be beyond saving. At least that's what I heard from my ancestor..."

"So that pitiful man was both alive and dead?"

Sorrow mixed with rage and fear when the sun-kissed woman saw the wanderer nod. Reptilian pupils shook while their owner queried.

"You don't think they'll turn sweet Raega into one, right?"

"It's possible... Especially considering the personality of that bastard's Saint."

Cracks rapidly formed in the eldest mortal's armrest.

"Don't worry, Mila. We'll find her before any of those lowlife insects can taint her precious soul."

Unfortunately, the descendant of Choi could not bring himself to agree with the ancient dragon's confident proclamation. Their opponents were nothing like those present had ever met before.

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