Chapter 288

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Dozens of warriors rushed past the newly arrived trio. None of them even seemed to notice their sudden arrival as they fled for their lives. Only a few brave fighters stood their ground with their weapons aimed directly at the strange reddish black mist. Eerie screams came from the faces within the cloud as it continued to attack the white shimmery shield. Such a sight was something out of a nightmare for the humans who were unfamiliar with pure despair. Pulling his hood down over his veiled face, the God of Love warily searched his surroundings for the usual perpetrators responsible for such an attack.

To his relief, there were no followers of the Cursed One hidden amongst the mortals around him. However, he discovered a very serious problem. Of the people currently hidden behind the Dragon Lord's shield, more than half were injured or unconscious. Swearing quietly under his breath, the 19 years old turned towards the battle junkie who was still helplessly staring at the chaos playing out before them.


Trembling light brown irises focused on the youth who calmly motioned with his hand for him to approach. Glancing back at the problematic mist, the tall warrior did as the deity commanded.

"Where's Harol?"

"H-He was inside the tent too..."

A startlingly quiet voice left the man's lips. It was as if the crazy idiot was finally realizing the chances of his closest friend's death. His hands were balled up into tight fists at his side.

<Was Toonka also exposed to the despair? This isn't like him at all...>

Patting the brunet's overly muscular arm, the noble stepped forward while confidently stating.

"Everything's going to be alright now, Toonka. I'm here now."

For some inexplicable reason, his words comforted the panicked human who stared at his back as he took a few more steps towards the murky colored cloud.

<Sheritt. Can you hold on a little longer?

Surprised to hear her lord's voice, the white haired woman fought with her instincts which told her to rush to his side and protect him from his weakness.

-I can. Although I don't know if the others will last more than a few minutes longer.

<Can you tell me what happened?>

Sapphires peered over the woman's shoulder towards her companions who were struggling to remain conscious. Most were currently suffering from dead mana poisoning.

-A child wearing rags came to the tent looking for his elder brother. We let our guard down and sensed the bomb too late. Thanks to her quick reflexes, Hannah managed to protect Jack from the blast, but she was exposed to too much despair and fainted. I'm so-

<None of this was your fault, Sheritt. Absolutely none of it.>

Activating the onyx skeleton dragon on his ear, the noble firmly instructed those around him.

"Papa. Hyung. Toonka. No matter what happens, don't let anyone aside from yourselves or my people near me until further notice. Alright?"

All three looked at the 19 years old in concern or confusion.


Brilliant multicolored light began to surround the youth whose skin was completely covered from spectators' view. At the same time, a warmth akin to that of a loving embrace caused every single frightened or flustered person to stop whatever they were doing. Every single gaze turned to the source of this comforting sensation which was a being in holy looking robes. Other than the long snowy strands of hair, there were no other identifying factors in regards to this entity's identity. Not a single crest could be seen on his flowing white robes. Yet for some reason the mortals knew this person was not an enemy.

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