Chapter 331

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AN: I know this chapter is short, but there is an extra special surprise included at the end of the chapter. One courtesy of the artist Ren Royale (ren.royale on instagram). Please feel free to give feedback and enjoy! Next chapter will definitely be longer!


After running for what felt like hours the entity of light at last emerged into another cave. One so large that it made the first seem like it had been a pitiful hole. At the very center of its ceiling was a massive inverted crystalline tree whose branches reached down towards the ground below it. Tiny blood colored blossoms stood out amongst the transparent leaves covering its shimmery boughs. Curiosity fought with caution while the deity approached the ethereal looking plant. It was emitting the exact same energy that he had sensed coming from the mirror's frame.

<Could this be the key to the next test?>

Just as the deity reached up to touch one of the dangling branches, the sound of rushing water and metal came from the tunnel. Only instead of the clear comforting liquid the God of Love had hoped for, an opaque black one surged forth from it. Amidst its waves twisted multiple murky reddish black chains. Each one heading straight towards him.


Instinctively, the youth grabbed the closest part of the tree and attempted to pull himself out of the incoming torrent. Relief filled him when the branch he had grabbed did not burn due to his divine energy. In a mixture of desperation and determination, he proceeded to climb while the restraints crashed into the ground where he had just been. Multicolored radiance fluctuated in response to his chaotic emotions and thoughts. How was this a test? There didn't even seem to be a way out of the cavern! If anything, this was a nightmare! One he had to escape so he could get back to his family and children.

Moving between branches, the entity of light searched his surroundings for any form of a hint to escaping the trap awaiting him below. It wasn't until he reached the center of the boughs that he was finally able to see the trunk of the massive tree.

Hundreds of glowing veins which flowed throughout the entirety of its branches and leaves all gathered together in one spot. As if that spot was its heart. An enormous amount of energy radiated out of it. Almost seeming to grow stronger the closer the deity got. When the God of Love was at least within reach, he could see a dragon carved onto the spot where the veins converged. All around it were storm clouds while tornados raged on its palms.

<Wasn't there a similar one inside the egg I purified during my first growth phase?>

Gently, the deity traced the intricate details of the carving. After what felt like a few minutes, he noticed that the dragon's eye was hollow. Yet its teeth, scales and even claws were all elevated.

<An eye. Is this dragon supposed to be blind?>

Unnerving clinking noises drew his attention down in time to see the opaque liquid had reached the branches. At the same time, the murky reddish black chains had started to make their way up to them. Each one winding as they ascended towards him.

<F***! I'm almost out of time!>

Swiftly, the entity of light reached out towards a nearby bough in order to climb higher. However, a cluster of blood red blossoms caught his attention. Hidden amongst them was a small silver flower with emerald flecks on its petals. One which was completely different then the rest he had seen during his escape. Instantly, a smile crawled across the youth's face. Doing his best not to fall, he steadied himself and nimbly jumped onto the branch directly below the blooms. As if it had sensed his arrival, the tiny blossom opened up to reveal an even smaller crystal. Swirling inside it was the exact same energy gathering at the trunk.

Pausing momentarily, to glance down at the rapidly approaching chains, he quickly snatched the key from its floral enclosure. Then the God of Love hurried back to the awaiting carving and set the crystal into the place where the dragon's eye should be. Immediately, the tree started to shudder as the cavern rumbled and quaked. Every single blossom opened prior to a shimmery light floating up into the air around the now distracted entity.

Unfortunately, an excruciating pain around his ankle drew the youth's attention back to his current situation. Terror filled him when he saw a murky reddish black shackle had latched itself onto his leg. His radiance was slowly being tainted by its touch. Burning and cutting him all at the same time. Just as it began to pull him down off the branch he was perched on, the speckles of light hovering in the air around him speedily enveloped him. A comforting warmth filled him prior to a gust of wind shattering the metallic chain restricting his departure.

When the sensation finally faded, the deity expected to find himself back in the mortal realm. To his dismay, he was in a strange room filled with hundreds of books, paintings and incomplete sculptures of fantasy creatures he only ever expected to see in his dreams. Expensive looking furniture adorned with the highest quality gemstones. Every single thing within his line of sight appeared untouched by time. As if he was in a place outside the control of the God of Time.

<Where am I?>

Strolling over to the cluttered desk, the youth touched the ornate cover of a silver book resting on it. He could feel a longing desire as if something was missing.

<Is this another test?>

Curiosity piqued, the entity of light opened its cover. Shock and confusion caused him to freeze before he could finish uncovering the drawing hidden underneath. Staring up at the God of Love was a sketch of a dragon with long white hair and silverish emerald eyes.

<What the f***?!>

Directly underneath the picture was a phrase written in the ancient language used by those of the Divine Race. Only the handwriting was not that of his Amna or the God of Communication.

"All answers are hidden within memories. Those lost shall be found within Dreams."

Warily, the deity returned to searching the unusual room. Memorizing the titles of each book on the shelves as he passed by them. Eventually he noticed the corner of a rose gold frame hidden out of view by two long white silk curtains. When the entity of light uncovered it, he discovered the same gentle smile he had seen growing up as a child. Depicted in the painting was the God of Life sitting in a beautiful garden with an exquisite bouquet in their arms. At the bottom left was a signature which matched the handwriting under the drawing he had found in the sketchbook.

<Xara? Is that someone Amna knows? I don't recall encountering someone by that name.>

Carved onto the plaque mounted below the picture were the words.

"Ascension Day: Supreme God of Life"

<Why was this covered up?>

Staring directly at the signature, the deity looked through his records for any hints related to the identity of the artist. Except the strange key from the Prime Minister's study kept resurfacing and overpowering his other memories.

"...God of Dreams..."

As soon as the whisper left his mouth, the room around him started to crumble and fall apart.

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