Chapter 347

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Pain temporarily blinded the God of Love who was suddenly thrown by his abductor onto rock covered ground. His back was burning a little since his pajamas had torn upon impact. Steam crept up between his fingers as the snow beneath him rapidly melted. A low groan slipped out of his lips as he attempted to get into a position suitable for surveying his surroundings. Ice cold air alerted him that he was now somewhere North. However, he could not visibly locate his most recent kidnapper. Out of the three possible options, he quickly ruled out Arm since he would be able to sense their mortal members. Meaning either a Hunter or a follower of the Cursed One had brought him there. Of the two, the latter was the most dangerous of the options. Especially since he didn't have his spatial pouch on him.

<Should I try to run?>

Struggling to get onto his feet, the youth warily observed his surroundings while preparing to activate his ancient powers. Wind to run. Wood to defend. As well as fire to attack.

<Where did the motherf***er go?>

No sound came from the forest around him. Such silence alone was incredibly abnormal.

<Did someone cast a magic barrier without me noticing? Or is this another illusion?>

Cautiously, he took a step forward and heard the hiss of the melting snow.

<It seems real... Just like last time.>

Just as he took yet another step a prickling sensation came from the base of his neck.


Turning on his heel, the deity hastily searched for the entity who was watching him. His mind was a mess since he still couldn't sense them. Balling his hands into fists, he finally shouted.

"Who's there?!"

A musical chime flowed through the chilly air prior to a woman stepping into view. Tan skin stood out against her pale periwinkle pixie cut. Toned muscles caused her black pants to ripple around her legs. Directly below a matching crop top was a set of chiseled abs that put the gray dragon's to shame. Half a dozen onyx and amethyst earrings were pierced into her left ear. Around her neck was a choker which radiated unnerving divine energy. Yet none of that mattered when the noble at last noticed the set of glowing deep purple reptilians glowering at him. Suspicion, rage and curiosity danced within their depths.

<Ha— Why the f*** is a Purple Blood here right now?!!!>

Mana churned all around his abductor when she took another step towards him and growled.

"How dare a disgusting Red Blood b**** steal my lord's precious egg."

The nickname for his maternal mortal family oozing off her tongue in utter hatred and contempt.


Searching through his records for any possible reason a dragon would have mistook him as a kidnapper, the 19 years old stoically explained.

"I have no reason to steal from a dragon who I have never met. Nor would I take someone's unborn child from them. Whoever-"


Flinching in response to the increasing hatred being aimed at him, the disguised deity stared at the furious woman. Realizing she wouldn't listen to reason, he sighed and requested.

"Can you set up a barrier so no one will see or hear us?"

As expected, the Hunter was too blinded by her anger to listen. So he decided to use another method to communicate with her. At the same time, he released enough divine energy that she would understand the situation she had created for herself.

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