Chapter 334

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Quietly, the noblewoman watched as the youth laid her child down onto a bed covered in tiny crystalline blossoms. His every movement was graceful and his touch was gentle. How could someone who demanded payment for saving someone behave so tenderly? Her eyes widened when he removed the outer layer of his garments to reveal the same shimmery crest which had briefly been visible after he blacked the ball of fire. The way the various colors flowed together was absolutely enchanting. Soon the teen was only wearing a thin dress shirt whose collar and buttons were undone. Instinctively, she averted her gaze with red ears. Didn't this boy have any shame? Was there really a reason for such actions?

<Why did the suffocating sensation have to resurface now? Have I been inside too long?>

Running his hand through his hair, the deity considers undoing his disguise. However, he knew he couldn't risk exposing himself and sighed in frustration. There was no time for him to worry about a bit of discomfort. A trapped soul was suffering directly in front of him.


Even though she was embarrassed for the 19 years old, the woman turned to face him when he addressed her by her title. Pupils shook when she saw the serious expression on his extremely attractive face. How could a man be so beautiful? Pretending not to see the purplish pinks and light greens swirling in the air around her, the God of Love stoically explained.

"Sacrifice out of love is by far more powerful than desperation and fear. As long as your resolve is firm, I will be able to do what I need to do. No matter what you see during the process, you cannot let your desire to sacrifice for your daughter waver. Alright? If you do, she will die and there will be no way you will ever get her back."

Anxiously, the human grasped onto the skirt of her already wrinkled dress. Was it even possible for this person to do what the God who created the Flame of Purity couldn't? Didn't the God of Death's Holy Maiden also say it was impossible. So how could this teenager be so confident?

"W-What exactly do you need from me?"

She expected him to pull out a knife or ask for blood, but he didn't. To her shock, the youth placed his one hand over her quivering baby's heart while calmly instructing.

"Hold her hand. Let her soul know you are here for her. Say her name. Tell her about the future you have planned for after she wakes up. Don't lose hope. That's all I need from you."

Fresh tears welled up in her eyes. Was that truly all the God's Chosen One needed? Hadn't he mentioned a sacrifice earlier? None of this made any sense. Soon a robed woman joined them and took position next to the 19 years old. Not far behind her were the other two requested people. They each patiently waited for their orders which amazed her.

"Derin. I need you to maintain the body's physical condition while Mary controls the dead mana inside it. Mary. Use your judgment. Fuse the dead mana if necessary. Mila. Her plate is almost completely broken. I need you to focus on fixing it. I will deal with any pain she feels and attach the soul back to the body."

Even though they did not completely agree with his plan, the trio knew the embodiment of Love would not change his mind. Sacrifice was necessary if they were going to succeed. Swiftly, the Moon God's representative climbed onto the bed next to the little girl. Weak silver divine energy rapidly flowed into the small form as the sun kissed dragon pulled out her scythe. This would be the first time in a while that she would be using her attribute. However, it was a God's directive so she could not disobey it. Now she just had to figure out how to repair an intangible object.

<Let's get this over with.>

A familiar hand touched the center of the deity's back to alert him that his father had arrived.

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