Chapter 316

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After walking through the underground city for a few minutes, an old Needle Leaf tree about three times taller than the youth came into view. One similar to the trees you could find on any normal mountain range. It was a rather unremarkable sight when compared to what the majority of the deity's group had expected. Especially in contrast to the ones which the God of Love had grown over the past year. Even the tall, blue trees around it stood out more than the World Tree.

<Out of all of Amna's unique creations, this one is the simplest one in appearance.>

A little freckle faced elf observed the 19 years old quietly. Especially since he was the beloved child of the Supreme Ruler of All Life. She herself had been shocked by its underwhelming appearance when she first saw it.

"Sometimes the most precious truths are hidden by an average appearance."

"As I expected."

Undisguised reptilians glanced at the priestess who had clasped her hands together in worship and reverence. Sighing in response to her actions, the noble handed the child in his arms to the former princess and strolled closer to the plain looking tree.

<So this is the eldest living immortal on this planet.>

Immediately, the leaves on the trees started to shake even though there was no wind.

-Welcome, Child of Life.

"Call me Cale. Or Amias. Either one works for me."

Confusion flickered across the little girl's face. How was he able to talk with the World Tree-nim without touching its trunk first? Didn't it need direct contact for communication?

-Then I shall address you by the name the Supreme One gave you.

"Very well."

Everyone watched as the leaves rustled again when the noble took a step closer.

-I never expected that an Esteemed One would claim the power of that lunatic arsonist.

"Well, that very lunatic became the God of Purification."

Dozens of gazes stared at the deity in either shock or intrigue. Were they currently discussing the history of another God? Each of the Dragons were extremely curious about the origin of this other God. Especially since they were a well known one back on Sha-Orlen.



-I see. I hope I never encounter them again...

With his hands in his pockets, the youth casually leaned against the trunk of the World Tree.

"I don't blame you. I would definitely not want to encounter or be alone with any of my past tormentors. Even if Sulien-hyung did actually have a good reason for thawing the north back then. He should've definitely been more careful not to burn you."

His words caught the attention of his unusual family. Several of his older children exchanged concerned glances with each other. Didn't that mean their father didn't actually want to spend time with the Count? Or was he an exception since he was amongst his cherished people?

-I don't pity anyone who would dare harm even a hair on your head. The Supreme One would certainly destroy them for such offenses.

No response came from the teen who closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He could feel the pulsing sensation coming from the trunk of the unremarkable tree behind him. Although it was quite different when compared to the ones from his gardens.

-Is there something I can help you with, Amias-nim?

"I have an offer for you and the elves."

Each of the surrounding trees shook in response to his words.

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