Chapter 214

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Amongst the crowd of gossiping nobles stood a woman in a light pink dress. Her green locks were pulled into a half updo. Standing next to her were two young masters who were discussing the upcoming End of the Year Celebration. Normally she'd be paying attention to what they were saying, but this time she was too distracted by the number of kids gradually appearing around her. In fact, she recognized quite a few of them. Could they be-

"Are you okay, Young Lady Amiru?"

Greens met concerned light grays which examined her from behind their glass lenses.

"Of course, Young Master Eric."

"Then why-"

A gloved finger cut him off which surprised him. There they were. The two boys who had been seen with the redhead while he was accompanying the Crown Prince's envoy. Taking a sip from her glass of white wine, she pointed at the tiny duo and explained.

"Those are Young Master Cale's sons."

Immediately, the men stiffened and followed her gaze to where a brunet man in a suit was handing a toddler a plate with some fruit cut up on it.

"I-Is he-"

Before the question could leave the heir of the Wheelsman County's mouth, the doors to the hall opened wide. Silence filled the area around them when the three men entered. All eyes focused on the 18 years old who had not been seen in public since he exposed human traffickers in the Southwest region. Crimson strands fell over his shoulder while he turned his head to talk to his companions. Goosebumps covered the mortals' skin as his piercing red-browns traveled across them. His presence seemed to be almost unapproachable. As if they were staring at a King or Emperor. No. An existence even greater than that.

"...he really came..."

Numerous noblewomen were fanning themselves while they watched the redhead. Originally they had come to meet the still single Marquis. However, their target quickly changed the moment the One Who Spoke for the Gods walked in. Out of all the single candidates, who else besides him or the Future King would be suitable partners to raise their status and wealth.

"Did you know he would be here?"

Shaking her head in response, the green haired woman honestly replied.

"I didn't know for certain, but I had my suspicions he may show up."

Her statement piqued the interest of the other two. Clearly, she knew something they didn't, which was why they stayed quiet. Ever since the terrorist attack, they had learned that she was way more knowledgeable about the Henituse Household's first young master than they were.

"This was where the purge of corrupt nobility started."

Unable to take her eyes off the extremely handsome entity, the heiress quietly continued.

"Not to mention the fact that he already knew Taylor Stan. If I'm right, he's been working in the background with the Royal Family on behalf of the Gods over the last few months."

Shifting uncomfortably, the brown haired noble recalled how he had acted towards the youth in the past. Was it really alright for them to meet after what happened? What if he hated him? His father had been furious when he had learned that his own son had a part to play in harming their family's relationship with the Henituses. Could their household be the next to get purged?

"Do you think he's resentful-"

A gasp came from the man with glasses when he saw the 18 years old's face flush while he was drinking from a glass of liquor. Understanding his unease, the future Viscountess squeezed his arm reassuringly and reminded him.

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