Chapter 339

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Mana surged and gathered above the magic circle now dyed bright red. Brown eyes coldly stared down at the glowing reddish black symbols which were rapidly absorbing the fresh blood covering them. Disgust filled the assassin whose injured arm was currently being healed by the Sun God's Saint. Worried golds peeked at him while their owner worked. They could not let the God of Love see their wounds. Or else he would lose control of his emotions again and possibly go on a rampage. There was no way they could let that happen when they were so close to rescuing his daughter from the Cursed One's pawns.

After a few minutes, a vortex had formed in the air above the unnerving magic circle. Without a doubt, it was the portal which would supposedly take them to the missing mixed blood. Quickly, the single lifer rushed to inform his lord that the rift had opened. However, had he waited a little longer, he would've seen the newest conditions to using it which appeared on the stone floor.


Sharp red-browns instantly focused on the raven haired swordmaster when he entered their makeshift resting area. There wasn't even a hint of hesitation as he closed his artbook and discarded it onto the table in front of him. Understanding their father's intentions, the youngest four members of his flock swiftly vacated his lap so he could stand up.

"Is it ready?"

A nod confirmed that the portal was indeed active.

"Hoza. Lock. Fedele. Grethe. Watch over and protect your dongsaengs until I return. I need you all to behave and listen to Alberu and Mila. No matter what, do not leave this enclosure."

Dozens of heads bobbed in understanding of their guardian's orders. Each member of the older third of the kids understood that he would only be able to use his abilities properly as long as he knew they were all safe. No matter how worried they were about him, he would definitely return with their sister. Unfortunately, that also meant there was an increased risk of their reckless father getting hurt in the process. Once the deity was out of view, the silver haired kitten stored his artbook in her spatial pouch. Then she selected a book of easy to read fairytales which she began to read to her restless younger siblings.

Outside the temporary shelter which hid his children from prying eyes, the 19 years old noticed the gathered crowd was abnormally silent. Many fidgetted nervously under his gaze, When they arrived at the magic circle, the adult members of his group all turned towards him with either a grim expression or a forced smile. They were clearly attempting to hide their unease from him.

"What's wrong?"

His question was aimed at his immortals. Although the one to answer him was the Black Hawk who explained while scowling at the text carved roughly into the ground.

"Apparently there are restrictions on this portal which limits the number of people who can enter it to only one person. Anyone else who tries to follow or join them will be repelled or killed."

<That motherf***ing a**hole!>

Even though the noble's face was expressionless, the eldest mortal could tell the 19 years old had also realized the purpose of the limitation. It was without a doubt a trap. They meant to lure the baby deity into their own battleground where they could attack him with as much despair as they possibly could. Negatively impacting his recovery and possibly rendering him unconscious for a very long period of time. All while using his daughter as a hostage to achieve their goals.

"This has to be a trap."

"I agree with Sir Choi Jung Soo. It is unwise for us to send just one person through the portal into an unknown situation. For all we know, there could be thousands of enemies waiting for whoever is selected to save Young Lady Raega."

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