Chapter 260

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AN: Please feel free to leave feedback or theories!


It was early afternoon when the first of the Cursed One's followers had finally been located and killed. Around that time, the assassin revealed his plan via communication device to the deity who immediately panicked and tried to protest it. However, because he had already agreed to it and wanted to keep his kids from hurting themselves, the youth instead contacted his former team leader. He then focused on lecturing Lee Soo Hyuk for well over half an hour on what to do to stay sane while cleansing the despair.

-Ha—- Dongsaeng. I get it. Please stop worrying and trust me. Okay?

Red-browns quaked in response to the older man's request.


<I do trust you.>

Glancing over his shoulder at the others gathered in front of a fruit stall, the mortal announced.

-Listen. I got to go. Cage, Rosalyn and Jack are waiting. We're going to start purifying the despair stored in the shopping district.

There was a brief moment of hesitation before the white haired man put the device into his pocket. He was concerned about what the God of Love would do if he ended up getting killed.

<Be careful, Soo Hyuk-hyung.>

Sighing due to rapidly growing exhaustion, the noble got up and headed into the room next door where his brother and kids were currently gathered. Several gazes peeked up from the screens in front of them when he entered and set the magic item back down onto the table with the other activated communication devices. In the background, multiple voices could be heard reporting on their status, location or commenting on possible enemies.

-Team 5's Red Poison. Mary. Is that man over there-

-Team 6's Eternal Phoenix. Another one of the bastards has been spotted near the eastern section of the residential district. They're wearing robes. Notify Ron or-

-Team 7's Midnight Fox. A bomb has been located in-

-Team 6's Sunlight's Sword. Executed a woman who had-

-Team 7's Ancient Gold. Doll shaped divine item of the Cursed One has been destroyed at-

-Team 5's Silver Fog. There are three suspicious people standing outside Abnormal Zone 5-

<Who came up with the nicknames?>

-Team 6's Green Warrior. Bwahahahaha! This is so much fun! So much red! Let's drink after-

"Shut up, Zafar."

Immediately, the Saint stopped talking while the redhead's younger brother glanced up at him.

"Are you okay, Hyung-nim?"

<Worried. It's been too quiet so far.>

Recording the handwritten notes his dongsaeng had made on the papers spread out in front of him, the 19 years old stoically replied.

"I'm fine, Basen."

-Team 5's Mighty Raon Miru. Good Mary. Am I good to move to the next location?

Briskly, the necromancer glanced at her lord for further confirmation. Understanding what His Holy Maiden wanted from him, the deity examined the screen connected to the one being carried around by his third youngest son. However, what he saw on it caused him to stiffen up in terror and anger. In the background leaning against the wall of a bakery observing the young dragon was a familiar man whose face was etched into the youth's mind.

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