Chapter 311

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Due to the unexpected delay caused by the Paerun Kingdom, the still extremely exhausted God of Love was now in a visibly bad mood. Even though he was resting his chin in the palm of his hand, everyone couldn't help finding themselves mesmerized by his beauty. His every move was extremely elegant. Since the swordmaster had requested a brief break so that they could clean up the mess on their side, the deity ended up resting his eyes momentarily. It was at that moment that one of the priests of the God of Knowledge recalled.

"Come to think of it. Didn't His Holy Eminence end up collapsing a few hours ago?"

Exclaims of realization quickly turned into concern when his brethren remembered the events of that very afternoon. However, this one remark created yet another stir within the meeting rooms on the screens of the communication devices. A very worried Queen of the Jungle asked.

-Is it really alright for us to delay this meeting any longer?

Their question caused the youth to open his eyes. To his horror, another priest spoke up before he could address the Royal's question.

"We mustn't forget that His Holy Eminence has only just recovered from being stabbed by a follower of the Cursed One. As is, he was unconscious for three days and-"


<Did that bastard send a f***ing owl to monitor me?!!>

There was an audible sharpness to the command which left the noble's lips. His gaze stabbed mercilessly into the annoying devotees who were sharing information which they shouldn't even possess! Just how stupid were these seekers of knowledge?! Unfortunately, their words had greatly distressed the other attendees. Especially those who knew his secret.

-Are you going to be alright to continue, Young Master Cale?

Upon hearing the surprisingly warm tone in the speaker's voice, the youth briskly focused on its source. Pupils trembled slightly when they saw the worried expression on the elderly Duchess' face. How in the realms could someone from outside of his group be so concerned about his condition that they would make such an expression? It's not like they had ever been close in either of his lives as Cale.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be able to?"

Silence filled the room as everyone stared at him with looks of incredulity.

-He can't be serious- Count Deruth. Please tell me he isn't being serious right now.

All the patriarch of the Henituse Household could do was gaze at his eldest with a sorrowful gaze which ended up confirming the noblewoman's suspicions. Her heart felt like it was being crushed by a heavy boulder. In fact, she wasn't the only one disturbed by the 19 years old's seemingly disinterest towards his health. Was it possible he had been suicidal in the past?


To the mortals' amazement, the chubby cheeked boy held out one of his cookies to his guardian which the deity accepted and ate. For a very brief moment, they saw his stoic mask falter to reveal an extremely affectionate smile. One which filled their very souls with longing, warmth and an unusual sense of happiness. Just how was that possible? Those who knew his secret had an idea as to the cause of this sensation. Several ended up grinning at the cute interaction.

Not long after the God of Love had finished his sweet treat, the screen projecting Paerun's meeting hall reconnected. Instantly, the infuriating face of the snake that the noble wanted to punch appeared on it. His father and other officials of his kingdom had clearly gotten changed due to the disgusting mess that had splattered on them.

-We apologize for the wait. Please proceed.

With a slight nod, the noble sat back up and focused on the purpose of the meeting.

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