The answer

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Ariana POV

Me: umm yes but we never broke up I just felt threaten by some fans and it just got to me so I would just be here and talk to Justin

Justin: and it pains me to know my beliebers here like die die we don't want you your just using him and stuff like yea you guys are like Pattie yes I know my mom like her my mom thinks she's a good influence on me and I'm 20 guys I really like her and yes if I make a mistake I will be sad but I'm learning and growing from though mistakes

Me: yea but let's get pass that next question where would I be with out you

Justin: umm I would die with out Ariana, my beliebers and my mom I love you guys so much

Me: the same from me I love you guys so much

Justin: okay next question is how do I feel about Selena. I'm over here I got something way better *kiss Ariana cheek* why would I miss that when I have this beauty she my world I love you

Me: I love you too *we kiss*

* 3 hours later*

Me: we'll I had fun talking to you guys

Justin: yea me too bye

Me: bye

Justin went and started kissing my neck. I went turned off the computer. Justin looked and started kissing me on the lips again. He's so cute I love him

Justin: baby

Me: yea

Justin: I love you

Me: I love you too

I went got up and order Chines for Justin. He loves Chines so tonight I want to snuggle and watch a survive ( author note I'm in love with that show it the best). Me and him loves that show so we are gonna watch all the sessions start with session 1. So just to have a day to us. Tomorrow I got to go on the voice so yea. When our food came Justin was still taking a bath I just got out and I was in my short short like pj short yea though. They were pink and black so I was wearing a hot pink tank top. Justin loves pink on me and plus pink is my favorite color. I went payed for the food and went downstairs to living room. Finally Justin came he went sat down I went gave him his food.

Justin: I love you babe

Me: so

Justin: okay okay

Me: I love you too

Justin: thank you so do you want to do a duet

Me: yea that would be perfect

Justin: your perfect

Me: no I'm not baby

Justin: yes you are who has a cute smile whose beautiful whose Justin bieber girlfriend that I love so much

Me: me

Justin: yea and you know how I feel about us you know I would try to save our relationship

Me: yea and I would do the same

Justin: so

Me: what

Justin: what

Me: what

Justin: what

Me: stop it

Justin: stop it

Me: I love you

Justin: baby girl I love me to

Me: yea why wouldn't you

Justin: we'll I love you more

Me: eww I'm fat why would you like me

Justin went on top of me and started tickling me until usher walks in mad.

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