Bye forever

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Ariana POV

I was up all night think what I should do and I know what I'm gonna tell Justin. I went downstairs to see Justin with breakfast ready I sat down and looked at him and took a deep breath.

Me: look

Justin: yeah

Me: this us isn't worth it anymore I don't have energy left to fight anymore cause I'm up all night three kids us fighting for us to stay together you know how hard it is on me thinking I got 5 kids to raise 3 of my own and jacky where's daddy

Justin: didn't say it

Me: it's time to break up

Justin: no

Me: you think I want think I tried and tried but I can't anymore maybe we weren't right for each other

Justin: we are

I went upstairs and looked myself in the twins room with jacky and Justin Jr hugging me. I tried to stay strong for them I went and gave them there bottles and grabbed Julianna and changed her and gave her a bottle. I went kissed her head and rocking her slowly to bed. I went called jacky for her and her only to come over she said okay. I didn't know if Justin was downstairs or not I just need her. It's like what do I do know I love him but I'm tired of barely seeing him watching our kids or the fighting I think I should keep the kids and Justin keep jazzy and Jaxon. Then I heard a knock on the door and jacky came in.

Jacky: what's up Justin's pissed downstairs

Me: it's time for us to move on

Jacky: what happen

Me: I'm tired of barely seeing my husband when I do see him half of the time we fight and it's time I become single

Jacky: no

Me: I have no choose

Jacky: hang out with big seam or something

Me: I'm gonna call conceited and Alex

Jacky: okay

Me: I want us to be a family but I want to be happy too

Jacky: sis that the answer that no one but you can answer do you really want to give up on everything or do you really want us jariana another try

Me: thanks can you watch Julianna for me I'm gonna man up and ask Justin to watch the other

Jacky: yeah I'll stay here if you want

Me: thank you I'm going over Bach house if I'm not home by 6 can you come over and get me

Jacky: yeah

Me: bye

Jacky: bye

I went over Bach house we were all having fun dancing. While we were dancing me and Alex made a vine together it was fun.

Jacky POV

I went into Ariana room and change into her booty short and I had my hoodie on to cause man it's like a thousands degrees in here and I have my hoodie on cause I didn't want to change. I was with the baby rocking her to sleep when Justin came.

Justin: Ariana

Me: jacky

Justin: hey where Ariana

Me: out

Justin: I mess up

Me: what's happen

Justin: yesterday I was at the park with the girl and I saw you and your boyfriend kissing and you look just like Ariana so I went home made dinner and I ask Ariana and I think I've lost her trust and I think she doesn't love me no more

Me: first off she loves you she's always talking about you and she always will trust you okay if she didn't she would have your kids okay she feels like your not there enough for her and her only

Justin: yeah

Me: for need to find time where you too can drop everything and have a day for you to cause she's here with 5 kids and raising them while you do your thing

Justin: I know

Me: so remember what's important

Justin: yeah

Me: if Ariana not home soon you should get her how about you make her dinner

Justin: can you help

Me: yeah

Justin: let go

We went downstairs and started listening to music while we were cooking. While we were cooking Justin spinned me around so I was facing him and he hug me and sat me on the counter. Me and Ariana are the same height but we are really short.

Justin: thank you man your short

Me: I know

Justin: you want to watch a movie

Me: yeah let's

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