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Today my one year anniversary with Justin and I'm excited we have a interview in a few minutes with Ellen. So I went got ready in the same outfit I did on my first date with Justin and the same make up like I'm happy to be with him but it was a journey.

Ellen: welcome our favorite couple Jariana

Me: hey

Ellen: so how's it been

Justin: we'll it's hard cause we half to date in front of the camera and like the no stoping like what are we doing or that tries to make us look bad

Ellen: yes and I don't think it's right

Me: yea but at the end this is what we chooses and it's a journey that never ever end

Ellen: yes Ariana how do you feel about Justin going on tour

Me: I hate it like we half to going different ways

Ellen: Justin what do you think about the hate

Justin: haters are gonna hate but our fans are gonna be there for us and support us

Me: yes but at the end of the day our fans aren't here for who we date are fans are here for the music and that's what it should be about

Ellen: I agree I support you guys I still think Justin should pull his pants up

Justin: hey hey the fans love it don't you guys

Crowd: yea

Justin: see they love it

Ellen: okay let's let the crowd ask some

Me: okay

Girl: umm this is for Justin

Justin: yep

Girl: if you weren't dating Ari would you date a belieber

Justin:'for me it's how I love and I learn like how i dated Selena she didn't love me and I grew from the

Another Girl: Ari this is for you

Me: yes

Another Girl: why don't you and Justin write a song

Me: umm maybe

Ellen: that's all but Justin has something to say

Justin: Ari come here

Me: okay

Justin's POV

Me: Ari come here

Ari: okay

As long as you love me as you love me we
could be starving we could be homeless we
could be broke as long as you love me........
Alright there gonna be one less lonely one
less lonely one less lonely girl the minute
Your all that matters to me yea yea yea
What's a king bed with out a queen there
Ain't not I in team you make me complete
And I was like baby baby baby oh baby no
I thought you always be mine mine yea yea
Yea don't tell me your my heartbreaker cause
girl my hearts breaking I hope you understand
I still believe in love I still believe in us I hope you
believe in us you smile I smile yea yea you smile
I smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllleeeeeeeeeeee yea yea yea

I looked into Ariana's eyes to see her I went and kissed her and hug and smile. I love her like I would do anything for her.

Me: happy anniversary

Ari: aww baby

Ellen: oh my god Justin that was beautiful

Me: thank you

Ellen: and you remember your anniversary

Me: yea like I'm happy I'm not the type to forget something so special to me that effects my life

Ellen: Ariana are you blushing

Ariana: yea and I'm still crying

Me: why

Ariana: cause I have the best boyfriend in the world

Me: I'm so lucky that god blessed me with you

Ellen: no no we are still on

Me: I know

Ellen: umm Ariana how does it feel moving on

Ariana: it feels good like at the end I'm done with Jai I really don't need him he was pulling me down lying to me and he had a kid like that's how much he care

Ellen: yea honey you are stronger

Ariana: and you

Ellen: that's all for now he half to go

Me: bye guys

Ariana: bye I love you

~an hour later~

I'm taking Ariana out I don't care if pap are there. I won't let them hurt her she's my girl


Hey it's me umm I decided to tell you how old am I I'm 12. Comment what you half to say or think I know I'm young but don't let it change the fact how you feel about the story I have big shoes to fill the make a good story but hey thanks for commenting I love you

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