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I'm ray I'm dating Jessica Bieber me and her were dating for a while now. Me and Jessica met threw friends. I was on set on criminal minds when I saw here. She was wearing shorts not caring what people think.

Me: hey who is she

Penelope: she plays my daughter on the show why

Me: she's cute

Penelope: we'll she's real nice and stuff

Me: what's her name

Penelope: you don't know

Me: no

Penelope: last name Bieber

Me: bieber

Penelope: yeah Jessica Bieber

Me: I'm gonna talk to her

I went and lean on this car next Jessica. She looked at me and smiled I took her hand and brought her close to me and our my hands on her hips. I fix the hair in her face.

Me: hey beautiful

Jessica: what

Me: I was wondering

Jessica: no

Me: you don't even know what I was gonna say

Jessica: you were gonna ask me out

Me: why not

Jessica: cause

Me: is it cause I'm cute

Jessica: one week as my boyfriend prove to me your boyfriend material

Me: okay baby wat you doing after here

Jessica: nothing

Me: your coming with me

~ one week later~

Jessica gave me a week to prove to her I could be a good bf. so I took her to the movies beach amusement park and more I bought her chocolate a big teddy bear earings a necklace and stuff.

Me: it's been a week

Jessica: I know

Me: so

Jessica: yes but I can't you date you

Me: why

Jessica: you didn't ask me

Me: Jessica Bieber will you be my beautiful amazing funny girlfriend

Jessica: yes

Me: yes

I went and kissed her lips and it was like heaven and this point.

Me: baby what you wanna do today

Jessica: I half to model aft this

Me: can I come

Jessica: yes but you better not look at any girl

Me: okay what you model for victorious secret

Jessica: yeah

Me: no

Jessica: yeah I look 17 so they want me to do it plus they give free things from pink

Me: pink

Jessica it's victorious secret but it doesn't have under and bra they have sweater shirts leggings.

Me: oh

After the set of criminal mid we went to the thing and there was a lot of people there but my eyes were on Jessica but se was all up on this guy so I went to this different room.

Jessica: what's up

Me: nothing

Jessica: are you jealous

Me: yeah

Jessica: baby I love you and only you

Me: I love you to

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