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Justin POV

Hey I'm Justin me and ari haven't change since last time you heard from us. The only thing that change is that our family got bigger really big. Today I'm taking josh to work with me he loves to here me and ari sing for some reason. Since he was born if me or ari sang to him while he was crying he would quickly stop and smile and most of the time giggle a lot so his dimples would show. But anyways after the studio I was driving home. But all of a sudden boom. A car crash I tried to help Josh vampire blood help people. I gave him some of my blood and then I blacked out. I tried to open my eyes but I could. I could hear Ariana crying I tried to open my eyes but I could I wanted to tell her everything will be alright. All of sudden I saw mine and ari life flash before my eyes I smiled she's perfect. I saw all the things we been through like her being kidnap and the Maria, Selena, Talyor, Jason, and ect things. Finally fought hard enough that I could see ari right next to me with jazzy, Stephen, Marie, Stephen jr, Pattie (there 3 kids), rose, Brent, Jaxon, Demi, Justin jr, Yoventura, Jacky, Nash, Nash Jr., Juliana, Alex, Justin, Jackie, Damon, Jordyn, Matthew, Jennifer, Matthew Jr., Jessa, Charlie, James, Becky G, Jasmine, Austin, Jason, Madison, Jay, Miley, Jacob, Rachel, Ciara, Jessica, Ray, Jenna, Destorm, Liane, Trayvion, Zendaya, Pattie, Mario, Mario Jr, Kelly, Gia, Dominic, Alfredo, Jennifer, Wubzzy, Scooter, Yael, JJ, beyonce, Channing, Blu, Jordan, Chris Brown, Stephanie, Carlos, Usher, Sophie, Drake, Marie, Royce, Madison, Jake T, jake, Josh, John, Johnny, Joseph, Me and Ari. And that's a grand total of 76 a lot right but this is my family I wouldn't trade it for the world. Well over this weird roll coaster me and ariana gain a bigger family. And we loved to see our kids our friend or our friends kids grow and find true love like me and ari have. Anyways I don't think my family saw me open my eyes. They were all crying wait am I dead. They can't see me something's wrong. I know some witch friends and they told me on the other side I could see my friends but they can't see me. I blind and looked to my side and saw blackness. But all of a sudden I heard people talking. It sounded like Ariana and a man man last twentys early thirtys. And then I hear my oldest kids talking it was hard to make out what they said at first.

Ariana: doctor is he okay will he wake up anytime soon

Man: yeah but the crash was really bad and your husband instead on saving himself he hovered over your son which cause your son to be perfectly fine but your husband to have a cracked neck if the impact of the other vehicle would had been any harder you husband would be alive he's a lucky man

Jennifer: yeah do you estimate when he will wake up

Man: maybe today or this week he needs rest

Ari: thank you doctor

I'm alive I heard my triplet Jennifer Jessa and Jordyn crying saying daddy please if you hear me fight and fight to wake up daddy. Then Jennifer said daddy your grandson said his first word and second his second word was Justin and he keeps repeating it. While she was talking I could hear her cry. And just hearing my daughter cry just made me fight harder. I want to tell Jennifer it's okay daddy's here. I could feel Jennifer crying on my shoulder. I finally fought hard and open my eye and kissed her head and whisper daddy's here. Jennifer looked at me in shocked like she couldn't believe I was talking her and the whole room became silent as they looked the same as Jennifer. Jennifer hugged me so tight and said daddy your okay. I smiled and said daddy will always be here for you no matter how badly I'm hurt. I hugged her as everyone gathered around and Jennifer and Matt hand me my grandson. I smiled as he said Justin and fell asleep on my chest. I smiled as everyone hugged me. The room was only me Ariana and my oldest the youngest off all of us was Mathew jr and then after him the triplets. But then I started thinking where our youngest kids and our friends. I just saw them not that long ago where could they have gone.

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