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Ariana POV

Justin: what

Me: yea

Justin: okay baby I got a plan

Me: Justin

Justin: yea baby girl

Me: I'm scared

Justin: baby everything's gonna be alright and just believe in us

Me: I love you

Justin: I love you too

I went and kiss Justin while we went packed up and called usher we went into the car and drove off to his house. Went we got there I ran upstairs without saying a word to no one. When I got upstairs I ran to my new room.

Justin: baby you okay

Me: no there not gonna stop I half to perform like maybe this isn't right maybe we should stop this Justin

Justin: no

Me: it's for the best baby I can't take this

Justin: I love

Me: I love you to

Justin: baby I don't want to do this I want to be with you I want to be able to kiss you with no taking pictures I want to be able to hug my baby girl with no problem but I can't okay I half to live with that so do you okay that's what we signed up for to live are dreams in front of everyone and if it wasn't for what we had and half to do I would care this much for anyone your my true love baby and if you leave I don't know what to do

Me: I feel the same but I'm not ready to se you dead

Justin: baby don't think of that

I went  downstairs to see usher

Me: thank you so much usher

usher: anything for you to

Me: anything I could do to repay you I will do it

Usher: can you perform on the voice

Me: when

usher: tomorrow

Me: yea sure I'll perform problem

Usher: and help my team give them help

Me: sure okay im off anyways

Usher: thanks

Me: yep

Then the window broke. There was a note on it I went to pick it up and read it.

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