Yael Pregnant

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Yael  POV

1st baby of Yael and Scooter

I found out I was pregnant earlier but I'm about to tell scooter. I found out an hour but scooter was busy so I am tell him how during Jordyn concert. He's really supportive of the Bieber family. Anyways Jordyn was sing and scooter looked at me and said she's doing amazing. I smiled and told him to come with me. We went to the dressing room. He gave me a worried look.

Scooter: what wrong baby

Me: Umm scooter were having a third person in our house

Scooter: someone saying

Me: no we have a new member

Scooter: your pregnant

Jordyn: your pregnant

Me: yeah a little boy

Scooter: I'm gonna be a father

Jordyn: congratulations

Scooter: thank out

Me and scooter went home and when we got home I laid down on my bed. When I laid down I put on a movie the maze runner. I heard it was good when the movie started scooter kissed my head and cuddle up to me. And the movie was really good I can't wait for the second one to come out. After the movie me and scooter talked about names. We didn't pick a name yet but we have time to pick one. I want him name to be perfect it this is my blood and I want it to be perfect.

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