She knows how

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Justin POV

When Ariana said those words I couldn't believe how did she know my real name.

Me: what you talking about

Ariana: um Jason is your name Jason don't lie

Me: yes but I had to change it

Ariana: why

Me: I did something in the past

Ariana: so you did the funeral

Me: no

Ariana: what aren't you tell me okay I have your kids I would like to know

Me: okay it all started at 10

*flash back*

Me: hey baby

Sophie: hey do you love me

Me: yeah why

Sophie: like would you love me forever

Me: yeah

Sophie: great

Sophie look at me and smiled and then she bit me neck. I felt so much pain I fell to the floor ache in pain. When I woke up I was in my room. I looked to my side to see Sophie right there holding my hand.

Sophie: hey baby

Me: your a vampire

Sophie: yes so are you

Me: no stop it

Sophie: now were gonna be together forever

Me: what

Sophie: your not gonna die unless some stake you

Me: so when do I become a vampire

Sophie: your half a vampire but your not as strong as me

Me: when do I become a full

Sophie: when you drink human blood

Me: I rather stay half

Sophie: okay

*end of flash back*

Ariana: your a vampire

Me: yeah we'll a half

Ariana: how old are you

Me: 21 when I bit someone I will still look 21 forever I didn't want to freaky you out

Ariana: what about our baby

Me: when they get older they will so figure out what they are

Ariana: turn me

Me: what

Ariana: turn me

Me: baby I will stay this way forever

Ariana: do it then I'll have to drink your blood

Me: baby I don't want to hurt you

Ariana: baby I want to be with you and if not I want to be with my kids forever

Me: baby I just don't want to hurt you

Ariana: just do it

Me: okay but tomorrow

Ariana: okay

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