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Ariana POV

Justin came picked me up I can't wait to go. To the place this is gonna be amazing I love him. When we came to a stop I smiled Justin went help me out of the car I look to see a candle light dinner on the beach.

Me: oh my god Justin

Justin: aw

Me: I love you

Justin: I love you two

We went sat down and started eating I smiled at Justin and kiss him during the dinner. Justin told me to wait that he will be right back I did. The whole time I was waiting I fell like someone was watching me. After a few minutes Justin came back with my two piece I went to the car and change and came back out.

Me: Jay

Justin: yea Ari

Me: whose that coming over here

Justin: I don't know babe if you want we could go to a different beach

Me: no let's go home

Justin: no I'm taking you out baby

Me: where we are famous we can't even sit down with out people knowing it's us

Justin: I got an idea let's go

Me: okay

Justin POV

I'm taking Ari somewhere else special to us and it's for us I went texted at friend and we went to this 'special place'. I don't care what people say I'm in love with Ari and I want to treat her like a queen. Caused she is my queen.

Me: Ari

Ari: yes Justin

Me: I love you

Ari: I love you from the moon back

Me: oh really

Ari: yep

Me: we'll I love you from infinity and back

Ari: oh really more than ice cream

Me: more than ice cream

Ari: wow that's deep

Me: yep

Ariana went and kissed my cheek. I smiled I can't help it I'm in love really in love. Then my phone started ringing.

Me: hello

????: Justin what happen to us and the baby I thought you want to have it with me

Me: this ain't funny okay whose this

???: oh you don't remember the song you made for me

Me: no leave me alone

????: fine but I know your with her right know

I went and started driving quirkier before I knew it we were here.

Me: we'll baby I wanted you to have fun

Ari: no our first date aww I love you

Me: I love me too

Ari: okay

Me: just kidding I love you and only you I don't care if we half to date in front of people

Ari: I don't care either

We went and started walking around having fun. Kissing like we are not scared.

Me: wait Ari

Ari: *giggles cutely* what

Me: I love me like you do love me like you do
like you do hold me tight and don't let go baby
baby teach teach teach show me show me the way
to your heart you baby baby I'm begging lady
lady put me in the middle that's where I'm a star
ohhh I like how your eyes complimenting your hair
the way that those jeans fit is making me stare

Ariana goes and blushes and tries to hide it I hate when she do that

Me: baby don't hide that beautiful face of yours

Ariana: aww and I love yours too

Me: aww what if I grew a beard

Ariana: I will still love you

We went kiss we I look I say someone shot a gun I went push Ariana to the floor.

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