Jasmine Fault

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Jasmine POV

By now Ariana show have found out and be mad at Justin and once she's mad at Justin he's all mine. She doesn't deserve him at all. She make it up for the camera I don't I be real I'm being me not being fake like her.

Me: hello

Jack: hey bae

Me: she's probably going crazy

Jack: what if Justin goes crazy to

Me: he's not

Jack: okay we'll I got to go

Me: bye

Jack: bye

I don't care what I half to do I'm gonna make them brake up and get a divorce cause I want Justin all to myself and I get what I want. I went on Twitter and tweeted not everyone suppose to love you don't think you'll get everything you want. I went and tweeted again she thinks she all that bish no sit down he don't like you. people started going crazy saying that I can't come between Jariana that they are strong than me I'm jealous and stuff. Like I ain't jealous of that ratchet Ariana not please she thought. If I was jealous I would have her on my mind 24/7 be trying to look like her make her look bad. Okay and that's so not me she just bishing about everything. I went grabbed my phone and searched up Ariana Bieber to see she might do a tour.

Justin POV

I went on Twitter to see a picture Jasmine posted a photo saying this was my first boyfriend and this maybe shocking but i still got feeling for him. I went and started crying when I was at my car pap was all over me.

Pap: did you cheat on ari

2nd pap: why did you cheat on Ariana

I went and started driving I went to my and I started hitting everything. I couldn't even see right.


That's when my hand was bleed like crazy and someone came in. I just keep on hit and hitting the wall until Kenny carried me.

Me: no

I went for out of it and ran and hit my head against the wall so much time and I blacked out.

No ones POV

Kenny was at his house which is next door when we saw what Jasmine did and started calling Justin but he wouldn't pick up. So he went and got up and went to Justin house but it was locked. He went and ran with all his force and knocked down the door and started looking for Justin. He couldn't find him anywhere until he heard Justin crying. He went grab Justin open the door but Justin went and and ran to the wall and started hit his head against the wall about 7 times until the pulled him out and he black out.

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