But baby I'm here

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Justin POV

When I got to the hospital I couldn't see the kid but I could see Ariana.

Me: baby

Ariana look at me and cry and looked away from me.

Me: baby what did I do

Ariana: you know what you did okay what am I your side chick

Me: what I do

Ariana: you were kissing that girl so here go kiss her all you want and get her pregnant and then get a new girl

Me: baby I was about to kiss her on her cheek but she turn

Ariana: I don't know anymore I want my kids dad with there mom but does he even want to be with me

Me: you know I do

Ariana: there no point if all we do is hurt each

Me: baby I love you

Ariana: just how would you think if you were in my place having to watch the kids when you go out to hang with your friend or record while I haven't gone out since I gave birth and next thing you see is your husband kiss another girl look me I the eye and tell me you wouldn't be mad

Me: I would but you know me

Ariana: i don't know what to think okay you and Jasmine now you and that girl just that's too

Me: baby

Ariana: and now someone die and another one badly hurt

Me: baby who die

Ariana: I don't know it's name

Me: what you mean what is a boy or a girl

Ariana: I don't know

Me: Ariana are kids

Ariana: I don't have kids we aren't even married Justin

Me: what you talking about

I went got the doctor and took him to the room.

Me: what's up with her

Doctor: looks like the crash effected her memory

Me: she doesn't remember giving birth she doesn't even remember being pregnant

Doctor: it's temporary

Me: okay

Ariana: Justin what's wrong

Me: baby we got married we had twins Justin Jr and Jacky

Ariana: if I ever had a girl her name would be Jordan

Me: baby

Ariana: Justin we aren't married we are just boyfriend and girlfriend

Me: baby no please remember

Ariana: there nothing to remember

Nurse: Ariana

Ariana: yes

Nurse: would you like to see your kids

Ariana: I don't have kids

Nurse: here

Ariana: see looks like a Jacky

Me: what's her middle name

Ariana: I would name her jacky Lynn Bieber

Me: that's her name

Ariana POV

There was a knock at the door I look to see Alex and Nash.

Me: boo bear husband

Alex: hey boo bear

Nash: hey wifey

Me: I missed you

Alex: I missed you to

Me: look this is jacky

Alex: sorry we weren't there for the birth

Me: it's okay

Alex: but boo can I hold her

Me: yeah

Nash: what's his name

Me: Justin Jr.

Nash: hi

Me: umm Alex or Nash

Alex: yeah

Me: if I have another kid can one of you too be the god father

Alex: I would teach them the bugs

Me: okay

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