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Ariana POV

Today me and Justin anniversary together I got dress when I heard someone ring the door. I went and open the door and grabbed this box that was at the door step. I went back inside and open the box and there was a picture a note. I looked at the picture to see Justin in this chair. I read the note to see it says hey ariana I wanna play a game so you and your triplets half to find Justin your first clue is go to Justin favorite place to eat. I called the girls Jordyn Jessa and Jennifer.

Me: baby can you go a located spell

The girl took this watch of Justin and found out he was in a warehouse I took the girls with me to see a tape recorder. I press play and it said

Hello ariana Jordyn Jennifer and Jessa you are looking for your husband and father well you need to play by my rules if you don't I'll shoot him okay first clue is only Jennifer would understand Jennifer go to were your boyfriend asked you out.

Jennifer looked and went in the car and stared driving. We were at this hill she ran to the top and me Jessa and Jordyn were close behind. We saw another tape recorder Jennifer press play. The tape recorder began

Hello Jennifer remembers where her boyfriend first asked her out but Ariana where were you when you got the note that was taped on the rock that said stay away from Justin we got eyes on you Justin doesnt love you your fat and ulgy honey he wants a real women that will give him his needs and I know cause he cheated you with me.

I remember that day like it was yesterday I didn't say a word I took the girls to ushers old house I saw a tape recorder just right there. I press play. The tape started

hello your getting real close to your loved one but but you still half to find him it all started with a dream it all started with a guitar it all started with steps.

I got so mad he's talking about Canada the theater he would play on the steps. Me and the girls quickly drove to Canada. We could care less about anything I want my husband back. When we arrive to the theater. I smiled but then frown when I saw another tape. I press play.

Hello ariana you remember how you and Justin first started dating oh did you ever tell the girl about there grandfather probably not tell them you will find your next clue.

Jordyn: mom what is it talking about

Me: when you kids were born my dad didn't want me to have you when you three were born he said Justin will leave me I would stick raising all of you and he said I should give you three up for adoption and I said no

Jessa: our own grandfather didn't want us

Jennifer: Jessa mom still kept is right that's all that matters

Jessa: your not upset

Jennifer: of course I am but look at us were adults and I have a kid and my son as a grandma and grandpa okay and plus we didn't need our grandpa anyways look at us we are who we are without him mom and dad raised us right

Jordyn: stop okay Jennifer right we didn't need him to begging with and we don't need him now okay we have grandma dads mom okay so let's just stop and try to find dad cause that thing is thing to play with and trying to make us fight remember were power and more than ever when we work together

Jessa: Jordyn right we need to stick together

Jennifer: yeah

Jessa: wait Jennifer can't you see into dads head

Jennifer: yeah I can hind out were he is

After a few moments Jennifer found were he was he was his old house that he lived in before he moved. We went to that house we didn't see Justin but the girls were looking upstair while I was looking downstairs and I found a lot of blood in the kitchen. I started crying what if he's dead. Shortly after the girl came to the kitchen and said he wasn't up there and when they told me they saw my blood and scared I hugged me as we all started crying on each other shoulder and al I though is is my husband the father of my children the love of my life is he dead or is he still alive? He half to be alive he can't be does he just can't I can't explain it but I have a feeling stronger than a feeling like I know for some reason he's alive and he's not dead and this is not his blood this could be a lie but I half to hope I half to have faith he's alive for my girls I don't want them to give up hope until a corner ( I forgot how you spell but there the people cut open people who pass to find out what happen) tell us that Justin Drew Bieber had passed away but until then I'm gonna search for him until the day I die cause the love of my life.

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