The Basement is locked

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I've been in here for about 30 minutes the door open I see Justin. I smiled he take my hand and we started running through the woods. We finally got out and into the place. I think its a club Justin went too me hand we he sat me down on the chair. Out of now where I see Alfredo James and Carlos. I started freaking out Justin went and left me. the boys came back with a cake.

Justin: happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to Ariana happy birthday to you

Me: wait so you guys kidnapping me for this

James: yes

Me: who came up with the idea

Justin: me

I went hugged him and cut my cake. When everyone got a slice I went up to Justin and hugged him. And took my cake and smashed it in his face. And I went and started running I tried not to use my powers cause then everyone will wonder what up with me. So finally Justin got me and I wrapped his arms around my waist and kiss me. I smiled and kissed him too omg his dimples are show there so cute.

James POV

I went and walk pass Ariana to see if she has the paw print when I looked at her neck I saw Alfredo waving at me to come over to him. I did and I saw her ''guy friend'' ughh I got a bad feeling about him.

Me: yo

Alfredo: is it there

Me: umm I got some news but only me and you

Alfredo: Carlos can we talk

Carlos: yes I'll be over there

Alfredo: okay

Me: okay

Alfredo: so is she your sister

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