The club

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Ariana POV

No one was shot I think no one was bleeding. I smiled and hugged Justin and then I hugged Carlos. I went sat down on couch while Justin made some popcorn for a movie.

Carlos POV

I went upstairs to the bathroom and took of my pants and taped my leg up. I went downstairs and looked at Justin and Ariana.

Me: thank you guys so much for letting me stay here but I got to go

Ariana: where you going

Me: boo we'll that guy remember the guy we talked about when we were little

Ariana: yea

Me: we'll he has a party and since I know you he invited me to a party and you know what I'm looking for

Ariana: yea

Me: you guys could come

Justin: sure I'll call the boys and tell them to watch the kids cause we might stay out for a while.

Me: yea what about club

Ariana: if it's okay with Justin

Justin: yea

Ariana: let me get ready

Justin: you already look beautiful

Ariana: aww but *she whisper something to Justin*

Justin's POV

Ariana: aw but I want you to only look at me and no one else

Me: fine babe but I never do

Ariana: it's quick my hairs a,ready done so all I need to do and put on some jeans and a shirt

Me: fine baby girl

Carlos POV

*at the club*

I went and bought a bunch of drinks for us I went and gave it to Justin and Ariana and Alfredo. We went and started having fun. I went up to Ariana and whisper something.

Me: hey I half to tell you something

Ariana: Justin I half to talk to Carlos give me a sec

We went walked to car and sat there no pop knows we here.

Ariana: what

Me: I'm not gay

Ariana: umm what are you

Me: I think Bisexual

Ariana: as long as your happy I'm happy

Me: can you be my first kiss

Ariana: I don't know

Me: please it's not gonna mean anything were bestfriends

Ariana: fine

Ariana went to the back we which is where I was. I went kissed her and smiled. It was likea 2 second kiss it was a peck. I love her she's always there for me.

Me: I'm not normal am I

Ariana: god made you this way for a reason

Me: like first I'm gay then I'm bisexual

Ariana: it's okay that means you can get both boy and girl

Me: yea I'm gonna look

Ariana: okay

~a few minutes later~

I was talking to this hot girl her name was madison beer and there was this other girl name Becky g. They are both hot but I think Becky g is hotter. I went got madison so we hang sometime. I went grab Becky and started dancing with her. I went and kiss her and started talking to I went to her and showed to everyone.

Me: Ariana this

Ariana: hey Becky

Me: how do you to know each other

Ariana: we talk a lot and I love her music

Becky: thanks

Me: we'll bae you want anything

Becky: a water

Me: okay

When it was time to go I said goodbye to Becky and we went home Justin gave me his basketball shorts when I put them on a got a random text.

To: me

From: ?????

Stay away or else your end up dead

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