The news

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Ariana POV

I went home with the kids I looked to see it was 2 pm. I went to the kitchen to see Justin.

Me: baby can we talk upstairs

Justin: good or bad

Me: both

Justin: oh no

Me and justin went upstairs to our room while the kids were in there room.

Justin: what's up

Me: good new or bad first

Justin: bad

Me: the something wrong and I need surgery

Justin: good

Me: we half to going for girl clothes and diapers

Justin: your pregnant

Me: a girl

Justin: baby

Me: I wanted a boy but I don't care we having another kid

Justin: yeah

Me: another Bieber

Justin: yeah

I smiled and hugged Justin I took out my phone to see Sam text me saying she's pregnant with twin girls. I'm happy for her

Me: Justin

Justin: what

Me: Jennifer had her first kiss

Justin: I'm gonna kill him

Me: your not he's a year old

Justin: fine

Me: we're shopping tomorrow

Justin: we have enough baby clothes

Me: I know diapers 

Justin: now

Me: fine we'll do it later but can I get a kiss baby

Justin: nope

Me: meany

Justin: thank you

Me: your welcome

Justin: baby can you make me something

Me: no kiss no food

Justin: meany

Me: love you too

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