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Pattie POV

2nd kid of Pattie's and Mario

I've haven't had my period for a while so I'm going to the doctors to see if everything's alright. I wait for several moment the doctor took a pregnancy test to see I was pregnant.

Doctor: miss Lopez

Me: yes

Doctor: your pregnant

Me: oh my god

Doctor: would you like me to do a ultrasound

Me: yes of course

The doctor did the ultrasound to reveal to me I was 5 months along. I went home and called Justin.

Me: hi baby

Justin: hey mom what's up

Me: are you home

Justin: yeah

Me: can me mario and mario jr come over for dinner I want the family all of us there

Justin: yeah let me see is everyone available

Me: okay

I made myself a snack after I finished eating Justin called me again.

Me: hey

Justin: tonight at 8

Me: yeah

Justin: okay mom

Me: baby wait

Justin: yeah

Me: I love you

Justin: I love you too mommy

I hung up the phone to see it was 5. I went to mario jr room to see he was listening to music.

Me: baby

Mario: yeah mom

Me: we're going over your brothers house for dinner

Mario: at what time

Me: we're leaving at 7:45

Mario: okay

I went to my room to see my husband taking off his shirt he just came home from work.

Me: hey baby

Mario (husband): hey bae

Me: Umm we're going over Justin house today

Mario (husband): at what time

Me: we're leaving at 7:45

Mario (husband): okay

I went and started getting ready in this nice outfit. When I was done it 7:40 we got in the car and drove to Justin's house. After we finished dinner I looked at everyone and said

Me: I have announcement

Justin: what is it

Me: im pregnant

Justin: wait

Mario jr: yeah

Me: Justin mario jr you girl are having a little sister

Justin: yeah

Mario jr: this is great

Mario: yeah

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